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Sorry for the late update...my exams are going on...

A whole week had passed since my encounter with Minho. And he was still not coming to the school.

I hated to admit it but I was worried and anxious, and mostly guilty. Han couldn't reach him either.

Though Han had started hanging out with the boys, he didn't stop calling Minho. But Minho never picked up. He just disappeared. And I was sure that only one person would know about him - Kim Seungmin.

It was the lunch break. The boys were having their lunch and talking about random stuff but my eyes trailed to Seungmin. He was sitting at a table far away. The guy never smiled and always looked moody.

'and Minho has the prettiest smile.'

My thoughts about Minho had been shocking. No matter how my brain tried to put him on the red list, my heart cherished him like a star, or a beautiful and delicate flower.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I stood up and started walking toward Seungmin.

Seungmin stared at me with narrow eyes. 'What the fuck do you want'- that's what his face said at that moment.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

He nodded and stood up, then walked outside the canteen. I followed him. What I didn't notice, was that Han Jisung was following us.

"I can't reach Minho. And he is not coming to school." I said.

He stared at me for at least a minute.

"Guilty?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

I was shocked but then a wave of anger came. Minho told Seungmin about our encounter. What the hell.

"He didn't come crying to me complaining about you if that's what you are thinking." Seungmin said smirking.

I remained silent.

"I saw you guys. It was pretty amazing how you left him like that." Seungmin laughed. But his eyes were not at me. I followed his eyes and there was Han Jisung. That was the moment I knew I fucked up.

"Did you tell him how you left Minho on his knees? And the words you said to him? They were pretty fascinating. For example- stop using Han Jisung." Saying that Kim Seungmin, the bitch, started to walk away.

But Han grabbed his hand.

"Is he okay? Just tell me that much. Please." Han asked in a shaky voice.

"Stay away from him, Han Jisung." Seungmin glared at Han. And then left.

What hell was happening. This Kim Seungmin guy hated Minho. Then why is he behaving like he cares.

"Please tell me that he lied. You wouldn't say anything like that. You said...you said you wanted to protect him." Han was now looking at me and his eyes begged me say that he was right.

So I said what he wanted to hear.

"Obviously I didn't." I said.

While walking back to the canteen all I could think about was the phrase that Han used - 'you wanted to protect him.' I did. I did wanted to protect him when I saw him on my first day shivering, sitting on the flower bed, all wet. I wanted to protect him when Kim Seungmin was behaving rudely to him. I wanted to protect him each time I saw him clutching his chest.

Then what changed? Why did him running after Seungmin made me so angry that I hurt him myself.

Han had been with him for so long, he didn't hurt him.

But then, I was a weak person afterall. I always found excuses for my action.

I treated him like that because I hate selfish and fake people. Minho was seeing that Jisung was hurting because of him but he chose not to see. - I reminded myself of all those facts.

By the end of the day, I was quite okay but there was this heavy lump stuck on my chest that didn't seem to go away but only grew bigger.

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