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Everyone has a major turning point in their lives. For me, it was Minho.

Minho was something that I couldn't understand. And when I saw Minho, I couldn't understand myself either.

I didn't know why I hated seeing him running after Seungmin. I didn't know why I was so invested in getting Han Jisung away from Minho.

But, later on, I understood. It just took a little while for me to actually face my feelings...to face the fact that I had fallen in love with the boy who was sleeping on the rooftop.

Maybe at that time I was just drawn in by how beautifully he was sculpted. But then I saw him laugh, I saw humming unknown tunes, I saw how strong he was despite the whole world trying to destroy him, I saw him being weak. Maybe I had truly fallen in love with him...or the mystery he had around him.

But my unknown feelings turned me into one of those who were trying to destroy him.

That day...I didn't face Minho neither han Jisung. I took a leave saying I was sick.

I was sick actually. As soon as I reached home, I was throwing up like my body is trying to take everything out of it.

I sat on the floor then. I wasn't crying. I felt more guilty because I wasn't crying and Minho was.

I just couldn't cry. I just sat there, and thought of everything that I said, everything that I did.

I wasn't like this. I never gave a damn about what others are doing. I never cared. I never mingled in other's business, instead I hated it.

Then why was I doing all these?


The next day everything seemed normal. Minho wasn't in the class yet. So I decided to check the rooftop, he wasn't there either.

I came back to the class. Han was sitting in his bench. He looked okay. He was talking to Jeongin about something.

Then suddenly a guy came running into the class. He looked happy as if he was here to say something real funny.

Instead he looked at Han, "Yah...Han Jisung!! They are bullying your boyfriend again. Don't you wanna save him?" He then laughed. Few other guys from the back laughed with him.

Han sat frozen on his desk which obviously surprised them.

"Don't tell you are not saving him anymore?" The guy said.

Han just stared down at his hand.

Another wave of laughter.

"Waahhh ... Lee Minho is finally alone."

"I mean how long can you tolerate a guy like him."

"I really wanna beat him up one day."

"But man...he is pretty... I just feel like fucking him up everytime I see him."

"That would be a great sight to watch..."

"I wonder if his father would finally show up if he gets raped..."

"I am sure he won't."

They never stopped. Few minutes later Minho walked in. He was limping. His hair was a mess. But there wasn't any sign of sadness or terror in his face. There was no expression actually. He just walked in and sat on his desk.

But the guys surely wanted him fall on his knee and cry. One of the guys from back, walked to his desk, grabbed his hair forcing him to stand up.

"Yahh ... Han Jisung...I will leave him if you say so." The guy snickered. Most of the guys of the class joined him as if it was the funniest act they have ever seen.


It was Minho who said that causing the whole class to go silence.

"Wahhh this pretty thing can talk..."

"What? You don't like han anymore?"

A few more guys had walked up to his desk by then. They started touching him here and there. And he just glared at the guy who had grabbed his hair.

Han Jisung was sitting in his desk. I could see tears rolling down his eyes.

I don't know what triggered me at that moment...maybe it was that single drop of tear I saw falling from Minho's eyes.

I stood up from my desk, ran to his desk, kicked the guy who was grabbing his hair, punched a few more guys who were touching him.

My knuckles were bleeding. My shirt had blood stains. Minho was looking at me with widened eyes as if he had seen a ghost or something.

I remember just smiling at him. And then running out of the class.

I stayed at the rooftop until lunch. I was planning to stay there the whole day. But something changed my mind.

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