Final Chapter

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As he arrived home from the office early not being able forget yesterday incident, intending to confront her about the previous night's incident, he found the house eerily empty

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As he arrived home from the office early not being able forget yesterday incident, intending to confront her about the previous night's incident, he found the house eerily empty. He called out for her, after not getting any answer he tried to dial her number but the only response was the loud ringing of her phone from their shared bedroom.

As he tried to unlock the phone, he saw there was no password in it, just an open message with an address written on it displaying on the phone. His heart sank as he hurriedly checked the information about the number and, of course, it was his brother's. Was she meeting him now? Running away with him? A lot of questions and fears flooded his mind, each one more unbearable than the last.

For a moment, he sat down, thinking perhaps he should finally let her go. But how could he? Without even a goodbye? He needed to confront her, to tell her he knew, to let her know she was free. He hurriedly rushed to his car, his mind racing as he sped towards the address. The thought of her leaving with his brother was unbearable.

hoping against hope that his worst fears wouldn't be true. As he drove, his mind raced with all the possibilities, each one more painful than the last.

When he reached the house, he frantically rang the doorbell, but no one answered. The house was locked from the outside, its windows dark and unwelcoming. Panic and despair gripped him, tightening around his chest. He slid down against the door, trying to absorb the unbearable reality that she might be gone. He might had been too late to appreciate his wife, to show her he cared, that he loved her. He was alone again, just like before. When she hadn't entered his life.

But then, amidst the suffocating silence, he heard a faint noise. It was almost like someone screaming. He froze, straining his ears, his heart pounding in his chest. The sound was muffled, but unmistakable. It was coming from inside the house.

A spark of hope ignited within him. He jumped to his feet, desperately trying to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. His hands fumbled with the lock, his mind racing. He ran to his car, grabbing a baseball bat from the trunk. Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, he returned to the door, swinging the bat with all his might. The lock resisted at first, but with a final, forceful swing, it gave way.

The door burst open, and he rushed inside, his eyes laid around the dimly lit room. The house was in disarray, filled with packed bags and boxes, as if someone had been preparing for a quick departure. A small bag belonging to his wife was among the packed bags.

"Where are you?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the empty house.

Then, he heard it again-a loud banging noise coming from a nearby room. He sprinted towards the sound, his heart in his throat. He reached the door and threw it open in a loud bang, revealing her inside. She was huddled in a corner, her body trembling. her face red, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her hair and clothes were disheveled, evidence of her struggle.

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