Long Time No Write on Wattpad: Music and Book News

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Hi again!

After a long pause from Wattpad, I have to say it hasn't been that I've been lazy. No, Life has been full of interesting things to do. The most important of which is becoming a grandma. I have also released a few singles and written a lot on my book called Change My Mind. Among many other things...here is one of the singles: God Loves Rock n Roll. The slide guitar is by Mark Jeghers.

The parallel between the demo and the book

I am now well over 80 k words as of date (about my journey from stress to rest), and I am getting closer to a solid first draft. I've had to put the music aside for a time in order to get the first draft done so I can send it to the editor asap. Priorities, you know!

It sort of feels like when I re-mixed my demo in 2019. Then, after I had just got back from Nashville with a jury's constructive list of criticisms, I painstakingly put my shoulder to the plow in order to remix the Change My Mind album. It took two years and it was difficult, but I learned tons by it. The most important lesson was perhaps endurance. Having gone through that total rejection and coming out the other end with an album people actually like has been a character changer. I don't give up as easily as I once did.

I started a Give Send Go campaign but no one is giving to that.That's  o.k.

I recently updated my homepage to reflect the coming book - pop art-

I recently updated my homepage to reflect the coming book - pop art-

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Check it out here: www.featherheadmedia.com

And I updated my Youtube banner like this. (Notice the new logo too!)

All reflecting the feel of the upcoming book that looks like this:

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All reflecting the feel of the upcoming book that looks like this:

All reflecting the feel of the upcoming book that looks like this:

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All the pictures were made with AI. (Except God Loves Rock n Roll)

So it is a radical rebranding of my style. THAT is also what I have been doing.

A client

I have my first customer as well: a female artist in the U.K. who needs help with SEO and marketing. I know a few things about that and she is paying me to help her out once a week or so. So far I've done a deep ananylsis of all of her social media presence, and given recommendations and I have created gig posters and ads. I hope that this will pay for the editing of the book now that the Give Send Go is not going at all.

So how about the music?

Well, I am working on the release of the next album, be it slowly. I have updated all the lyrics of the chosen songs of the next LP, Abide. I decided that I will release it in singles this time - as everyone else is doing. I have made chord sheets for all but one of the songs - He Alone Is My Rock on CCLI. I spend a little time each week recording the song I'm Allowed to Be Myself. And try to mix a little every now and then to keep my skills going. I have read this book about creating a mixing template and created a "Decker template" exactly as he recommended.

 I have read this book about creating a mixing template and created a "Decker template" exactly as he recommended

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I hear a lot more power already in my vocals - I was a bit shocked by the improvement I must say. 

Good things take time and, like a house, you have to take a lot of time building the foundation in order to build a good house. You've gotta dig, pull in water and electricity, etc. and then fill it with gravel, iron netting and cement before you begin to see the house take form.

For me, seeing how an accomplished Nashville audio wiz does it taught me a thing or two. Maybe this book will help you too.

Concert in Copenhagen

I just did a concert at an art gallery in Copenhagen on Sunday, May 26th. It was so good for me - the first gig I've ever done in Denmark. It was a good friend of mine that invited me and she invited all her friends to come. We were about 15 people all together, including my husband and I.  I'm probably going to do a podcast about it on Spotify. It is also called The Indie Musician's Diary.


Well that's all for now. Until next time you can watch my latest video about Featherhead Media.

God bless-

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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