Time stood still today - a grandson!

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My first grandchild was born this morning. It all started last night. (Or about 9 months ago, lol). I got a call from my oldest daughter that it was time to drive to the hospital at about 11 p.m. She said the pain was becoming unbearable. After that, I couldn't sleep well all night. I kept waking up and praying, thinking about them and hoping for the best.

By the time I got back from my grocery errands this morning I still hadn't heard anything so I called my daughter's mother in law. A sweet lady! She had just got a call from her son that the baby, a boy at 3,5 kgs had been born at 8.42 a.m. The proud parents had just called her and were doing well.

Later, we had a family call on Messenger where everyone stopped what they were doing and took in the moment. Some were at work, others not but we all stopped to see the wonder who'd just popped out to change our world.

I packed up the groceries, ate lunch and taught some English online.

Now, I am going to get some rest and then we are going to celebrate today! Cava and something good to eat, then ice cream.

This is a day when time has stood still. A happy day!

Until next time!


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