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Amelia decided to wait as Embry told them that the Cullens want to train with them. Meaning she can see what is really happening. "Sam, don't try anything. I'm just collecting information about what is going on." She tells him as Sue walked in. "Thank you so much for watching Thomas for us."

"You have a job to do and I know you two don't want anything happening to Thomas."

Sam shook his head no. "Thanks." He tells her. "We're heading out and will be back later."

Sue nodded as she watched Sam shift causing Amelia to get on his back before leaving. Holding onto him, Amelia thought of the outcome and that was something she didn't want to think about as someone could die because of Bella Swan.
Arriving at the opening where the pack and vampires were training. Bella saw Jake in his form and smiled, but it faded as she saw Steph getting off his back and him nuzzling his head against her. "Thank you for coming...."

"First, why should we help?" Amelia asked. "Bella Swan has caused too much drama. She claims to love Edward, but glares at my cousin because he imprinted. I don't want to help the desperate girl. She can die. I don't mind that at all."

"Why would you say thar?" Bella asked. "I didn't do anything to you."

"Your actions speaks louder than words. Edward needs to find his true mate who isn't making everything about her and that isn't in a rush to be turned." Ava stated. "When they were gone, we've watched you. Saw the way you acted with the ones who are single in the pack. Anything to get a male attention."

Stephanie walked a little forward. "Jake told me how he thought that night you would be his imprint, but when you started flirting with Mike he knew, you were nothing but a friend."

The Cullens didn't say a word as they watched Amelia smirk. "Bella, what is your true intentions of us working with the cold ones?"

"The attention basically and to finally be turned....what did I just say?"

"What?" Edward asked her. "Are you being for real?"

"No, I don't know...."

"I casted a truth spell just now, one without a drink. You see, you don't know who exactly you are messing with." Ava smirked. "Amelia is stronger than me and Steph, but she is calm right now as Sam refuses you to stress her out." Walking over to her, Ava smiled. "Tell them everything. From when you saw them to now, Bella."

"This ought to be good." Steph says as Amelia noticed something that she has been trying to understand.

"Enough, you two." Ava and Steph nodded as they went to Seth and Jacob. Amelia walked over and grabbed Bella's hand looking at the ring. "Edward is a mind reader who could never read your mind." She says taking the ring off. "Maybe he can now."

Edward was confused till he finally heard her. He was hurt, deceived, and angry. Three emotions that had him walk away with Jasper and Alice.  Carlisle shook his head at Bella. "You had everyone fooled. You hurt my son in the progress."

"They can't kill me..."

"We will still keep you safe and stop that redhead, but after this, no more communications with the Cullens. You screwed up what ever plan you had." Amelia looked at Sam. "Let's go home to our son."

Bella watched as everyone started leaving one by one. Everything she had built with Edward and some of the Cullens down the drain. Jacob doesn't love her, Edward doesn't either, but one thing that bothered her. Am I still going to be turned?

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