"Oh thank Merlin, we can actually get into our own room again." Sirius sighs in relief upon realising the door is no longer locked, which it had been since eleven pm the day before. He, James and Peter had actually stopped trying to get in after three, deciding that they'd be better off finding somewhere else to go for the night.
James clamps his hand over his eyes before stumbling his way into the room first. "I hope you're both decent, because we're coming in now whether you like it or not." He declares, dramatically waving his hand out in front of him.
"What are you three doing?" Remus asks them with an amused expression as he steps out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in his hand. He only has a pair of loose fitting pyjama pants on and nothing covering his upper half.
Peter scours the room, looking for any sign of Circe and yet there is none. "Is shadow not here?" He questions his friend, completely bewildered. The map is unfortunately tucked away under James' bed so they had no way of checking what was actually going on.
Remus shakes his head. "Nope." He replies in a chirpy manner. "She hasn't been since last night." The boy lies, avoiding eye contact with his friends as he worries that they'll be able to tell that he isn't being completely honest with them.
"So you two didn't confess your feelings for each other then bang like bunnies until sunrise?" Sirius asks him with a smirk, he is almost certain that they had done but he just wants to prove it. Remus looks for too refreshed and cheerful for the morning of the full moon.
The boy shakes his head. "I'm sorry to disappoint you." He chuckles. "We just talked for a while." He turns around to go back into the bathroom to continue brushing his teeth, but that was most definitely the wrong decision if he wants to keep his and Circe's extracurricular activities on the down low.
James, Sirius and Peter all chuckle upon seeing his back bare back, noticing the fresh scratch marks all down his back. "So I suppose those scratches just came from nowhere, huh?" The messy haired boy asks, the smirk evident in his tone.
"I hate to break it to you, Prongs, but I am a werewolf." Remus shouts back from the bathroom, paling a little as he realises the cat is pretty much out of the bag. "I have scars all over my body."
Sirius chuckles, shaking his head. "No, those don't look like Moony scars, they look more like..." He trails off.
"Cat scratches." James finished, both of them sharing identical grins as they look at each other and then the boy in front of them. "Remus you dog!"
"Alright, alright!" He shouts as James and Sirius tackle him to the ground. Remus is slightly annoyed that his and Circe's little secret didn't stay private for long, however seeing his friends so happy for them isn't so bad either.
"Where's lover girl?" James slings his arm over Remus' shoulder when they enter the great hall, expecting her to either be at the Gryffindor table or at the Hufflepuff one.
Remus, also assuming the same thing, searches for Circe from the door way. He deflates upon noticing that she's sat at the Ravenclaw table with Addy at one side of her and Damocles on the other. "What's she doing still hanging around him?" He scoffs, marching over.
The boy clears his throat as he looms over Damocles and Circe, who are both chatting away. "Hello pretty boy." The brunette coos, winking at him not sensing the anger that is coming off him in waves.
Damocles shrivels away in fear upon seeing him, the events of last night fresh in his mind. Remus is known to be rather calm compared to his friends but at the party a whole different side of him had been revealed when he shoved him onto the ground. He's not too keen on facing the boy again so soon.

𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊
FanfictionIN WHICH circe darkwood transfers to hogwarts during her sixth year and quickly becomes acquainted with the marauders. or remus lupin can't figure out why the new girl is so enamoured with him and is running out of excuses to refuse her advances. re...