Chapter 11: Scarlett Makes Out with Two Vampires and They Both Die

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As I stood in the grand library, its walls lined with ancient tomes and relics of a bygone era, I couldn't help but reflect on the complex history that had led us to this point. Dimitri's mansion was a repository of secrets, each book a piece of the puzzle that was the tumultuous relationship between humans and vampires.

For centuries, vampires and humans had been locked in a bitter conflict. The roots of this enmity ran deep, fueled by fear, misunderstanding, and the inherent differences between our species. Vampires, with their eternal life and predatory nature, were seen as monsters, while humans, with their fragile mortality, were viewed as prey. It was a cycle of hatred and violence that seemed unbreakable.

The earliest records spoke of vampire clans waging war against human kingdoms, their battles leaving scars on both sides. Blood was shed, and countless lives were lost. Vampires hunted humans for sustenance, while humans hunted vampires to protect themselves from what they perceived as a relentless threat. It was a dark and bloody time, where neither side could see the possibility of coexistence.

But then, something changed. Over time, individuals from both species began to see the futility of their endless war. Leaders emerged who sought peace and understanding. Treaties were signed, and a fragile truce was established. It wasn't easy, and there were many who opposed it, but slowly, the seeds of cooperation began to take root.

In the present day, vampires and humans lived in an uneasy but functional peace. There were still tensions, of course, and prejudices lingered on both sides. However, open conflict had become a rarity, replaced by a wary coexistence. Vampires no longer hunted humans indiscriminately, and in return, humans allowed vampires to live among them, provided they adhered to strict regulations.

Despite this progress, there remained one taboo that neither side could fully accept: the union between a human and a vampire. It was considered an abomination by many, a violation of the natural order. Such relationships were rare and fraught with danger, often ending in tragedy. Society, both human and vampire, frowned upon them, enforcing the belief that our worlds should remain separate.

It doesn't stop the 'underground clubs', though. Dimitri's club, especially, is quiet yet famous in what it offers: vampires and humans mingling together. With locked entry except to membership holders, it remains a sought after destination for those wanting a thrill of the unfamiliar. It's how I ended up in this mess. My friend had gotten a hold of a membership card, and got us in.

Dimitri's eyes had fallen upon me. And kidnapping a few days later.

"I have business to attend to. At the nightclub. You're coming with me." There was no room for argument in his tone. 

I'd nodded my head stiffly.


As Dimitri and I made our way to his nightclub, "Bite of the Night," tension crackled in the air between us like electricity. His instructions were clear: I was to remain seated and not speak to anyone, wearing a cloak to conceal myself. No drawing attention, no matter what.

I obeyed silently, feeling the weight of his words pressing down on me like a leaden cloak. The drive to the nightclub was silent, the only sound the hum of the engine and the occasional honk of a car horn from the bustling city streets.

When we arrived, the pulsing neon lights of the club illuminated the darkness, casting an otherworldly glow over the surrounding area. Dimitri led me inside, his grip firm on my arm as he guided me through the throng of people.

As we entered the club, I felt a surge of defiance rising within me. 

Dimitri's coldness last night had left me feeling raw and exposed, and a part of me wanted to lash out, to show him that I wouldn't be controlled.

Ignoring his warning, I slipped away from his side, my cloak billowing behind me as I made my way through the crowd. The music pounded in my ears, drowning out the thud of my heart as I approached a group of vampires at the bar.

One of them, a tall, dark-haired vampire with piercing blue eyes, turned to me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he purred, his gaze sweeping over me appreciatively.

I smiled back, feeling a thrill of excitement coursing through me. "Just looking for a little fun," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of mischief.

As the night wore on, I found myself surrounded by vampires, their touch sending shivers down my spine as they pressed closer, their fangs glinting in the dim light of the club. I reveled in the attention, relishing the feeling of power it gave me.

But as I lost myself in the heat of the moment, I caught a glimpse of Dimitri's cold gaze from across the room. His eyes burned with fury, his jaw clenched tight as he watched me with a mix of anger and something else, something I couldn't quite place.

I ignored him, allowing myself to be swept away by the passion of the night. But as I made out with two vampires at once, their mouths hot against my skin, Dimitri's voice cut through the haze of pleasure.

"That's enough, Scarlett," he growled, his tone icy with anger. "You've had your fun."

I turned to him, a defiant smirk playing on my lips. "What's wrong, Dimitri?" I taunted, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through me. "Jealous?"

Dimitri's eyes darkened, his expression unreadable as he moved towards us. Without warning, he grabbed the vampire closest to me.

"Look the other way," he commanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"Why?" I asked, confused. 

"Look. The. Other. Way." 

I obeyed, turning my head to face the wall. 

A guttural yell and a loud gunshot. 

My head snapped back, my eyes focused on the vampire that now lay lifeless on the ground, blood pooling around him in a crimson puddle. The club was still in chaos and excitement, the body lying there treated as nothing more than a doormat. They were not unfamiliar with blood.

I felt a surge of fear and revulsion wash over me as Dimitri turned to me, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "Let's go," he said tersely, his voice cutting through the chaos of the club.

"You- you killed him." Shock had parted my lips.

"Anyone who touches you, dies." His voice was a low growl.

As we made our way home, the events of the night replayed in my mind, each moment seared into my memory with vivid clarity. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me, the knowledge that I had crossed a line I could never return from. And as I lay in bed, trembling with fear and uncertainty, I knew that vampires were indeed, very, very dangerous creatures.

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