Chapter 16: Scarlett is Blindfolded at Dimitri's Mercy

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"I'm not done with you yet," he grinned, a predatory gleam in his eyes. 

Before I could respond, he was up, moving with a swift, graceful purpose. He opened a drawer and pulled out a length of rope.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

He shot me a dark, commanding look. "Shut up and sit there looking beautiful," he said, his voice a low growl.

I bit my lip, my heart racing as I obeyed, anticipation and nervous excitement swirling within me. Dimitri approached, holding the rope in one hand and a black silk blindfold in the other. He wrapped the blindfold around my eyes, plunging me into darkness.

"Trust me," he whispered against my ear, his breath hot and tantalizing. "This will heighten everything."

I nodded, unable to speak as he secured the blindfold. The world around me faded away, leaving only the heightened awareness of his presence. I felt a shiver run through me as he took my wrists, tying them together with the rope. His movements were firm but gentle, and the rough texture of the rope against my skin sent a thrill of anticipation through me.

"You're mine now," he murmured, his voice a dark promise. "Completely at my mercy."

I could feel my pulse quicken, my body responding to the raw dominance in his tone. I was utterly vulnerable, and yet I had never felt more alive.

Dimitri's hands roamed over my body, exploring every curve with deliberate slowness. The blindfold amplified every sensation, making his touch feel more intense, more electrifying. His fingers grazed my nipples, and I gasped at the jolt of pleasure that shot through me.

"Do you like that?" he asked, his voice a low purr.

"Yes," I breathed, my voice trembling with need.

He chuckled darkly, and I could feel his breath against my skin as he kissed his way down my body. He stopped at my thighs, spreading them apart and teasing me with his tongue, his movements slow and torturous. I writhed under his touch, the pleasure almost too much to bear.

"Please," I begged, my voice a desperate whisper.

"Patience, my sweet," he murmured, his breath hot against my most sensitive area. "I want to savor this."

His fingers found their way to my core, stroking me with exquisite precision. I moaned, my body arching towards him, craving more. He continued to tease me, bringing me to the edge again and again, but never quite letting me fall over.

"Dimitri," I gasped, my voice filled with frustration and desire. "Please... I need you."

He laughed softly, a dark, seductive sound. "Not yet," he said, his fingers moving faster, driving me wild with need. "I want to hear you beg."

"Please," I moaned, my body trembling with anticipation. "Please, Dimitri... I need you. I need to come."

"Good girl," he purred, his fingers plunging deep inside me. I cried out, the pleasure overwhelming as he pushed me over the edge. My body convulsed with the force of my orgasm, the sensation amplified by the blindfold and the ropes.

Before I could fully recover, Dimitri flipped me over, positioning me on my hands and knees. He tied the rope to the table, securing my wrists and leaving me completely at his mercy. I could feel his gaze on me, hot and hungry.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his hands caressing my back, my hips. "So perfect."

I shivered at his words, the heat of his touch igniting a new wave of desire. He spread my legs wider, positioning himself behind me. I could feel the hard length of him pressing against me, and I moaned in anticipation.

"Are you ready for me?" he asked, his voice a dark whisper.

"Yes," I gasped, my body aching for him. "Please, Dimitri... take me."

With a growl, he thrust into me, filling me completely. The sensation was exquisite, a perfect blend of pain and pleasure. I cried out, my body arching against him, and he began to move, his rhythm relentless and demanding.

Every thrust sent waves of ecstasy through me, the intensity magnified by the blindfold and the ropes. I was completely at his mercy, and it was the most exhilarating, intoxicating experience of my life.

"Dimitri," I moaned, my voice trembling with need. "I... I need..."

"Tell me," he growled, his pace quickening. "Tell me what you need."

"You," I cried out, my body trembling with the force of my release. "I need you."

His movements became more urgent, his breath hot against my skin. "Scarlett," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of possessiveness and desperation. "You're mine. Forever."

Dimitri's release was a primal roar, echoing through the room and making me shiver.

"Yes," I gasped, my body trembling with the intensity of my orgasm. "Forever."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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