36.Morning After: A New Dawn

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It's a Sunday!!!

The morning arrived, casting a beautiful glow of saffron across the entire land of Yunmeng. This sunrise brought with it a sense of positive energy, symbolizing the start of a new journey in everyone's lives.

Embracing this sense of positivity and determination, Xui Ching woke up and completed his daily routine. The past month had been hectic and overwhelming for him. As the youngest in the house, he had never been involved in managing household responsibilities. But now, as the Lan Furen, taking charge of the arrangements for one of the grandest weddings was an exhausting task. He was grateful that Xichen had helped him with many things, but even with the assistance, time had been hard on poor Ching.

As he stepped out of the washroom, he noticed Xichen meditating, so he quietly decided not to disturb him and sat at the table. With the house still wrapped in the quietness of early morning, and no one else awake after the previous night's wedding festivities, Xui Ching thought of making some tea for himself to start the day.

Xui Ching was doing everything he could to make himself feel complete and worthy of being Xichen's partner. Waking up early in the morning, diligently following all the Gusu Lan teachings, and taking on many responsibilities-he had been doing well in every aspect. Yet, deep inside, the nagging thought persisted that he wasn't good enough, especially when it came to providing an heir for Xichen. On top of that, Elder Lan Kanji constantly gave him the cold shoulder, never missing an opportunity to blame him with venomous words. Xui Ching tried his best to be a good partner, hoping that no one would point fingers at Xichen or blame him for marrying someone like him.

It felt as though fate was against him, as he continued to feel unworthy of being Xichen's wife. He often thought about how different life would be if he and Xichen could have their own child-how happy that would make Xichen, how it might silence the criticism. Xichen wouldn't have to face the scrutiny he currently did because of Ching being a beta male.

The thought always lingered in his mind: What if Xichen agreed to take a concubine to have a child? Would their life change? Would Xichen still love him the same way? The idea of Xichen having a fondness for the mother of his child haunted him. What if, in the future, Xichen stopped loving him? What if he was reduced to nothing more than a disgrace, overshadowed by the presence of someone who could give Xichen what he couldn't?

Xui Ching's trailing thoughts were interrupted when he sensed Xichen's presence beside him. Xichen had finished his meditation session and noticed Ching sitting at the table, staring into his cup of tea with a distant expression. Quietly, Xichen joined him, settling into the seat next to him. "What are you thinking, Ching?" he asked, his voice gentle yet attentive, as he observed the hints of worry on Ching's face.

Xui Ching quickly masked his inner turmoil with a small smile, not wanting to burden Xichen with his thoughts. "Nothing, just thinking about how hectic these past few days have been. We were both continuously working for the wedding, making sure everything was perfect. And now that it's finally over, I'm just hoping everything goes well from here on," he explained, trying to keep his voice light, even though his heart felt heavy.

Xichen nodded thoughtfully, sensing there was more Ching wasn't saying. He placed a comforting hand on Xui Ching's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You've done so well, Ching. None of this would have been possible without your hard work and dedication. I hope you know how much I appreciate you."

Xui Ching glanced at Xichen, his eyes softening. "I just want to be good enough, for you and for everyone else," he murmured, almost more to himself than to Xichen, as he took a sip of his tea to hide the vulnerability in his voice.

They finished their tea and decided to pack their belongings as they had to leave for Gusu in the afternoon. Without wasting any time, Xichen and Xui Ching started organizing and preparing for their departure.

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