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A dark night in Forks, Washington in 1995 changed the Swan family. Charlie Swan, just a policeman at that time, was on patrol. When he came in to do his paperwork, there was a bundle there wrapped in a blanket on one of their waiting room chairs. He looked to see a baby, what turned out to be a little girl with big wide brown eyes. He looked around and there was no one else around. Something about this little bundle, he knew the baby was a Swan. He and his wife were trying for years but never seemed to have another one. His wife, Renee Swan was not happy when he brought home the cooing baby. But Charlie didn't care.

His wife left him a few months later, he was heart broken but he had his little girl to take care of. Cora, the owner of the town's diner helped him in anyway that she could. She brought him food every night after her shift and every morning before she opened the diner. She kept groceries in the fridge and made sure the new bundle, newly named Morgan, was fed with formula and had clean diapers.

Morgan Swan was a well loved child. At the time, Sarah Black and Billy Black became her unofficial godparents. When Sarah died when Morgan was ten, it was almost as hard for her as it was for Sarah and Billy's own children.

Morgan was extremely bright. She exceeded every expectation in school. The whole town of Forks and the entire Quileute reservation loved her. By thirteen, she was just the happiest child. Charlie raised her to be his copy but Morgan definitely had her own personality as well. She was a cheerleader on junior varsity in her freshman year. Still she loved fishing with her father and godfather and watching the game on TV with them and her best friend Jakey.

Charlie Swan would have loved to just pretend that Morgan was his own child. Then she turned thirteen and weird things started happening. Just photos dropping and such. And when she was fourteen it got really bad. A new family moved to town. The Cullens. And whenever they got near her, her body seemed to freak out. It caused a fire in her chemistry lab. She was already in AP chemistry as a sophomore. Then the biggest factor.

Morgan began having nightmares. Charlie rushed in one night when he heard her screaming. She was floating a foot above her bed. But her bed was two feet above ground. Everything else in the room was levitating too. He didn't know what to do and he did nothing. Soon she woke up and everything fell.

It was after that he decided she needed to find her birth family. See if it was something from them. He eventually found his way to a 23 year old who gave birth at the hospital but seemed to leave before signing the birth certificate. But there was an Abigail Bennett that used a credit card at a bus station near there going East. With a little more detective work, he found an Abigail Bennett with an address in Mystic Falls Virginia.

Charlie set Morgan up for teleschool and he didn't want her to go alone. "Dad, this is your fourth year as Police Chief. You can't leave it for me."

"All that matters is you, little bear," Charlie told her. She loved that he cared so much.

"I'll be fine. I'll call you once a day and if I find nothing, I'll come back. Right away."

She arrived in Mystic Falls by taking a bus then asking for directions to the house of Sheila Bennett. She knocked on the door nervously. It opened after a few minutes and an older teen answered. She looked confused. "Hello?" the girl asked

"Hi. Umm, is Abigail Bennett here?" Morgan asked her.

"She doesn't live here."

"But you know her? Do you know where I could find her?"

"Why would you want to?" she asked, semi sarcastically.

"Ummm, I think she was my birth mother," Morgan told the girl.

"Excuse me?" the girl said and swung the door and the gate open. Morgan backed up a little.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. I'll just go," she turned to leave.

"No, you can come in."

They went inside and sat on a couch with tea. "You live alone?" Morgan asked the girl who introduced herself as Bonnie.

"My Dad travels for work and my Grams just recently passed. Our Grams, I guess."

"She was Abigail's mother?" Bonnie nodded.

"Why do you think Abby is your mom?"

"I was left at a police station as a newborn. The chief of police adopted me. He needed to find her after...nevermind. I just had...questions I guess."

"Like what?" Morgan stood up.

"Private matters. I don't think you'd even believe me."

"Try me." Bonnie said, putting her hands on her back.

"A couple months ago I think I started a fire with my mind. These kids started school and creeped me out. One guy kept staring at me and it felt like spiders in my head and they wouldn't go away. I got so frustrated then boom fire. Afterwards, I started getting nightmares. Blood and bodies and horror. My Dad came in one night and I was three feet above the ground and so was everything in my room." Morgan looked at Bonnie, "You seemed surprised but not freaked out."

"Yes, because we're witches."

"I'm sorry what?"

Bonnie explained all the history she knew. Also about the vmapires that came with witchcraft. Then she left but told Morgan to stay and that she could sleep in her Grams room. Morgan looked around and as she explored she found an old book. She started reading some of it by the candle light in her room. One must have been a spell beause a light flashed and an older woman appeared. "Well hello. WHo are you?" the woman asked.

"Who are you?" Morgan replied.

"A spirit that just happens to be your grandmother."

"You're Sheila Bennett?" the woman nodded, "You knew who I was. Why did you ask?"

"All the things you had to get from her it had to be her smart ass attitude."


"No you're not."

"No, I'm not. But Dad says I have to apologize when I say something that could be interpreted as disrespectful. He usually has to tell me when it happens though."

"It's not safe for you here. Go home."

"But the floating and the fires?"

"What do you think you'll learn here?"

"Control? Bonnie could help me."

"Bonnie cant even help herself. Leave before your next birthday. Don't be here with the ancient ones return. It isn't your path." She said before disappearing. 

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