Chapter 9

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The next couple of weeks were hard for the Swan household. It was the last month of school and Bella had to do all her work by correspondence. She also couldn't see Charlie nor Morgan but Charlie, along with a medical note from Carlisle, caused things to go smoothly. They were even keeping the Cullens in an unofficial quarantine. Still Morgan could feel Charlie worry every single day. she came in the day before senior Prom. Bella wasn't able to go but Morgan was still going. "I wonder how Bonnie is," Morgan said as she took off her shoes. Her hair and makeup was already done.

"You should call her. You look beautiful, little bear."

"Thank you, Papa bear," she said as she kissed him on the cheek. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just moving around," he said and she nodded.

"Dad, it's okay to miss her."

"It feels like she's dead. Is that weird? I mean I know she's technically dead but alive too but it feels like she's just dead. Like my oldest daughter is gone." Morgan went up and wrapped her arms around him.

"Papa bear-"

"I'm gonna say it again, it wasn't your fault. I promise I don't blae you and I don't want you blaming yourself. Bella made a lot of decisions that led her to this place. So did the Cullens." Morgan nodded but didn't want to continue the conversation. It was going to start one of her father's Cullen rants. And she had a prom to get ready for.

"You going to be alright tonight?"

"I'll do my best."

"Okay," she said and kissed his cheek before going upstairs.

Morgan called Bonnie and put the phone on speaker. "Morgan?

"Bonnie! Hey, I haven't heard fro you in a while!" she said, happily.

"I know. I know you've been texting and calling. So much happened. Elena is a vampire now. And Jeremy is dead."

"What? Oh, Bons, I'm so sorry."

"We weren't exactly back together. It's harder on Elena. She turned off her humanity. Not fun."

"Oh that sucks too. You need me to come help this summer?"

"No, honestly I was thinking about getting out of Mystic Falls for a while. Think of any places I could visit?"

"Um, yes! I would be so happy! You could meet Paul!"

"Who is Paul?"

"See this is what happens when you don't pick up. I've been calling. Paul is my boyfriend. And I mean so much more than that. I can't wait for you to meet him. Oh! I need to get ready."

"Ready for what?"


"Oh, mine is tomorrow."

"Have fun. I should get dressed. I love you, Bonnie. I'm really happy you're coming to visit."

"i'm happy too. I'll call you soon."

"You better."

"I promise," Bonnie said before hanging up.

Paul arrived thirty minutes before they were supposed to be at the house the seniors had rented for Prom. It would be hosted in their huge backyard. He was slack jawed when he saw Morgan. "You look so good," he said and spun her around. She squealed and laughed.

"Thank you, my wonderful wolf," she said and kissed him.

"Wait! I need a photo!" her dad called out as they were walking out. Morgan grinned happily as he took about thirty photos.

Paul waited until they were in the car to talk. "How is he?"

"Better, I think I honestly don't know. I don't know how to help him. And in addition to that, I think something is up with Bonnie."

"Your sister?"

"Yeah. Something feels off about our call. Like I should go to Mystic Falls."

"Well I don't want you running onto danger."

"What choice do I have?"

"A lot, Morgan. We just changed things so the pack wasn't in danger. You think that doesn't apply to you? That I won't gather the pack together and tear that place apart?"

"I'll wait for more information. But I'm not waiting for her to die."

Prom came, then graduation. Renee was called and angry at Charlie about Bella. She blamed Charlie for the fact that Bella was sick. Even though it was listed as a sickness she likely picked up while traveling. Charlie was annoyed he had to make up a lie at all. That Bella couldn't face her mother nor her father. But he did enjoy the graduation for Morgan. She was happy that Paul had graduated the day before from the high school on the reservation. The day of graduation, Paul stood next to the father daughter duo as Charlie twirled around his daughter.

"I'm so proud of you," he said to her.

"Thank you, Papa Bear," she said, kissing his cheek. Then Paul handed her the flowers and bear they brought and kissed her cheek.

"Congrats, my love."

"Thank you, my wolf."

"Okay, that's enough. Father here," Charlie said and they laughed, "Now come on, everyone's back at the house."

"Who is everyone?" Morgan asked.

"The whole Pack and Elders basically."

"Oh, okay. Sounds fun," she said. Then as she got in the car, she called Bonnie so she could congratulate her too. SHe'd graduated the day before. But there was no answer. Just like the day before.

A month later, Morgan had called Bonnie every day but still received no response. Then she found the number she had for Caroline Forbes, Bonnie's friend. "Hey Caroline. I'm trying to find Bonnie have you seen her?" she asked.

"She's not with you?" Caroline asked and Morgan's heart drpoped.

"What? Why would she be with me?" Caroline hung up on her. Morgan looked at her phone then went into her room and packed herself a bag. Then she drove her bike to the reservation.

She got to the Lahote household and Paul came out. "You wanna take a trip?" she asked him.

"Mystic Falls?" he asked her. She nodded. They got in the car, intending on driving the entire way. It had been a month. Another few days wouldn't kill anyone. "Babe, since we have time, we haven't talked about where exactly you're going to college."

"I got into a couple schools. Local of course. I wasn't going to leave you ever. Port Angeles has a decent community college. So two years there then another two at Seattle or Washington state."

"All to become a history teacher?" he asked and she looked over at him.

"How did yo know? We never talked about that."

"I know the look ok your face when someone remembers something you told them. The rez needs more elementary teachers like you."

"And being a teacher will give me time to be married and have those babies the ancestors have been wanting," she said, smirking at him. They still hadn't gone all the way but they were thinking about it.

"Not just the ancestors babe"

"Okay. But let's go save my big sister first."

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