Chapter 8

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The Pack and the Cullens came up with a plan on what to do about the newborn army. Paul shared the plan with Morgan but she wasn't happy about it. "So you take all the risk?" she asked her boyfriend.

"It is what-"

"If you tell me one more time that it is what your wolves were made for, I'm going to stop talking to you altogether."

"What does that mean? "

"Exactly what it sounds like. You're putting yourselves in danger. Too much danger as far as I'm concerned."

"What's our other option?"

"I have an idea. Call the pack?" he nodded and kissed her before leaving to call everyone.

They met at Emily and Sam's house. Of course Morgan brought food, knowing how much they could eat. There wasn't much heard from around the table besides sounds of enjoyment. "So why couldn't Bella come?" Jacob asked and Morgan breathed in and out loudly.

"Calming breaths, babe," Paul said.

"Bella could not come because she'd tell the vampires our plans. And I can't have that."

"What plan?"

"We're not going to take them on in a line. We're going to do as packs do and surround them. Do an ambush maneuver to get them to one spot," Paul told his brothers.

"All except the Cullens?" Jacob asked.

"Well we're not trying to ambush them, the smarter Cullens will see the plan change then back up."

"And if they don't?"

"Look, I like a couple of them too but they and Bella caused this. Now chances are this is all still a distraction. The red head vampire will know they won't bring Bella to the battlefield. So she'll search. And probably find her."

"And you're going to protect her?" Jacob asked.

"Not unless I can suddenly multiply. Which I can't. I have to do the fire spell."

"Wait, fire spell?" Seth asked.

"Sam we are literally built for this," Jacob looked to his alpha.

"Yet with this there's less danger. We'll still be there. To protect Morgan. Just hidden. How long to start the fire?"

"Not long at all."

"But you have to rip them apart before burning," Jared reminded them.

"I'm thinking boom," Morgan said with a smirk.

"Boom?" Jared asked.

"Boom." She opened her hand and there was an explosion outside. Everyone ducked. Then sat up, looking at Morgan, impressed.

"Dude your girlfriend is so cool." Seth said to Paul

"Hell yeah she is."

"So we have the plan?"

"Yes. And everyone keep it out of your thoughts," Sam said, looking at Jacob, "And you are not allowed to tell anyone this plan. You're not even allowed to talk about it the moment you leave. Or hint that the plan has been changed in any way."

"Talk about overkill."

"Well they don't need to go into your thoughts. You willing give away pack information."

"Speaking of I'm working on something for that. My issue is when you're wolves. Most psychic blocks are worn as jewelry. Pretty hard to do when you expand like twelve times."

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