Chapter 3

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That started a conversation that made them miss the bonfire. THey dropped by to say hi to the spying Billy. Then Paul made a fire further down the beach. There they discussed what they both knew of the supernatural world. It lasted so long they had to move to the car in order to get her back home in time. They pulled up to her house fifteen minutes before curfew. "Crazy world," Morgan said as he turned off his car.

"Yeah, and there's one more thing. It's about the pack. It's called Imprinting." he said then began to explain the feeling. As he did so, Morgan realized who he was talking about.

"So that's why Sam dumped Leah? Wolf thing or not, it was wrong."

"I think it would've been different if Em was younger or unavailable. Then it would have been able to become a different role. But they're the same age and look, I know it sounds messed up. But even if, ancestors forbid, we don't work out, I can't imagine committing to anyone when you are the center of everything for me." Morgan looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, I'm your imprint?"

"Duh, my little Einstein."

"I'm only four or five inches shorter than you. Is that the only reason you asked me out?"

"Not the only. You are very smart. I like your humor, plus you're also very beautiful. You being my imprint is why I'm going to work really hard not to fuck this up." He grabbed her hand and she started playing with his larger one. Then he just kept staring at her lips.

"Just kiss me already," she said after a couple moments of silence. He laughed before pulling her face closer and pressing their lips together. They moved in sync and Morgan thoroughly enjoyed it. Yet still she had something to say.

"I'm just letting you know, someone imprints on a child and it ever turns sexual, I'm castrating wolves. I don't care how old I am." Paul paled and cleared his throat.

"Well I was going to ask you to spend the weekend on the Rez with me but that was not what I had in mind."

"I know what you had in mind. We've had one date. I'm not your girlfriend. Paul, I've never had sex before. And hearing you're magically forced to be obsessed with me doesn't change that fact."

"Not obsessed. Just extremely intrigued with a biological urge to protect you." She laughed.

"It is sweet in a way. But I am still not ready for sex."

"We can wait until we're married if you want," he said, taking her hand again.

"Not giving you any excuse to propose in a week," she said and he chuckled, "That's jumping quite a few steps you know."

"Not if you agree to be my girlfriend right here and now."


"Of course. That was always the plan."

"Okay," she said then leaned over to kiss his cheek, "I like this you. But I'm not getting married at sixteen."

"I can wait." she giggled.

"No, you can't."

"Yes I can. I have no choice. I respect you too much. One last thing, you see a Cullen, you run and you call me."

"Wait, the doctor's kids with the gold..." A lot of things really clicked into place for her, "Their appearance was when I started to have my freakouts and the fires and nightmares. One of them is Bella's ex?" Paul nodded. "Do you think she knew?"

"Had to. They didn't exactly fit in."

"And Dad just found out about the supernatural through me. What a selfish bitch. He was hunting these things completely unprepared. He could have died." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it before rubbing soothing circles on the back of it.

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