Chapter 7

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Nothing had happened with the red headed vampire so the Elders actually called a meeting with the Cullens. The Pack were there for security. "There's nothing we can do if Victoria hasn't shown herself again," Carlisle tried to open the conversation.

"Unfortunately that's not the only reason we're here," Billy Black said, "Have you given to any thoughts about the farming carnivores?"

"We have. We're currently reaching out to the buyers that we do know of. But it will still take two to three years for us to raise enough," Edward answered. They nodded but he could tell from their looks but not from their heads that they were frustrated, "May I ask why I can no longer hear your thoughts?"

"We've found a way to block you."

"Got any more?" Emmett asked in a mutter but they all heard the Pack snicker.

"We don't know if it will work for you, but you can try these," Sam handed three lapis lazuli necklaces to three specific Cullens, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper.

"Why don't I get one?"

"Because you don't need one," Sam said and then walked back to his side. Rosalie and Emmett slid theirs on immediately.

"So?" Emmett asked. He looked up to his family and they gasped, "What?" His skin had gone more flesh toned with pink cheeks and his eyes weren't gold but blue. Then he saw a similar thing happen to Rosalie. But her eyes became more of a brown color. "Huh?"

"What?" she said to him.

"You just seem more down to earth," he said and smiled at her. Then they looked to Edward but also saw that Jasper was back to normal with blue eyes.

"Can you hear us?" Emmett asked. Edward shook his head but he was still in shock. They looked back to the Pack.

"What has changed?" Carlisle asked them insistently.

"That is why you, Mrs. Cullen, Alice, and Edward, will never receive the gift. They have asked no questions. They know the gift they have been offered. A gift that can be taken away," Billy said to them. The three had nodded, unable to think about how they even felt warmer for once in so many years.

"I wonder," Rosalie breathed then took off. Emmett took off after his wife and Jasper looked at Alice before following the couple.

"Now that they've gone, you come after an imprint ever in your lives just assume the treaty is nil the moment you make your move," Billy said to them angrily. He may be in a wheelchair but he felt the strength of his ancestor Ephraim every day.

"Like we told the pack, we're sorry. Alice got a little defensive when she tried to be friendly with Morgan only to receive hostility in response." Carlisle explained in exhaustion.

"And like we said, she doesn't have to like you or spend time with you!" Paul shouted from behind them. Sam glared at him and he backed down.

"Bella is a part of our coven due to her connection to Edward," Carlisle said.

"Charlie Swan asked for them to take some space. She disagreed. So currently it matters not due to the fact there's no connection between Bella and her father. That's on you," Billy lectured.

"I had nothing to do with his decisions."

"Well you just chose to ignore what a father wanted for his daughter."

"Sheriff Swan is misguided."

"No he doesn't want his daughter dating a leech."

"He knows?" Esme asked her husband. Carlisle nodded.

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