Chapter 2

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Morgan talked it over with her father and Forks High School principal. They all agreed that Morgan could come back to school to finish her senior year. She also immediately joined the cheer team again. It was almost like she never left.

One evening she was at the diner, grabbing dinner for her father who was staying at the station. She saw Seth Clearwater and his sister Leah. Leah used to babysit Morgan but she didn't seem quite happy to see her. Seth invited her back to their place and she agreed after dropping off the food.

When they got there Morgan asked Seth about Leah's new attitude. He told her about Sam Uley dumping her and getting engaged to their cousin, Emily Young. "What a dick," Morgan told Seth as they hung out on his couch.

"Yeah, she's still pretty hurt about it. And now he's bulked up and so are Jared and Paul."

"Well that doesn't really signal him as the greatest role model. But I guess who cares?" Sue came in from the garage.

"Mellow!" Sue called out and Morgan looked up happily.

"You and Jake are the only ones that can call me that," she said and stood to hug Sue Clearwater, Seth and Leah's mother. Jake was really only allowed to because her Aunt Sarah also called her Mellow.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Thanks Auntie Sue but I've got to get home."

"You want Leah to drive you back?"

"If she doesn't mind. I don't want to bother her."

The person that Leah was, she agreed and the drive was completely silent. When they pulled up to the house, Morgan finally curated the perfect thing to say. "Thank you. I am sorry about Sam."

"Thanks," Leah said softly, "I'm glad you're home."

"Me too. See you soon?" she asked and Leah nodded silently.

For the last week, Morgan decided to secretly cast a privacy spell on Bella's bedroom. It made it so they no longer heard her screaming at night. Her Dad was quite thankful for a goodnight's sleep even if he still wasn't very comfortable with magic. So she kept it going. Bella could stay in zombie mode if she wanted, as long as they weren't affected. Her birthday passed and as usual it wasn't a very large event. Just a simple fish fry dinner at Billy's place where a football game was on. It was tradition and Morgan liked it that way.

Morgan and her father were at the grocery store a couple days after her birthday. He decided to go to the liquor store to grab beer while she finished shopping. In the checkout line she ran into Paul Lahote. She got what Jake and Seth were saying. "Paul?" she asked, just to make sure. He turned around and stared at her. Like really stared at her, with his eyes glazed over. She coughed and cleared her throat. "Umm, Jake was right. You're huge." He seemed to shake out of it with that statement and actually smiled dorkily.

"Umm, thanks?" he questioned as he finished his transaction and waited for her to be rung up. She paid then went to pack her groceries. He helped her but she had to go behind him and do it correctly.

"It is kind of hot," she said awkwardly, "That was a compliment. Not the first statement I said. That was just a fact." He chuckled at her as he grabbed the bags and they began to walk out.

"Still sounds weird when you use slang."

"What was slang?"

"Hot. It was the only word you thought about."

"Whatever. Shut up." She said as she saw her father leaving the store next door.

"So you should let me take you out this Friday."

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