Chapter 4

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That night Morgan hung out with Paul. She cuddled into him and played with his large hands as they watched the action movie. "Do you think I'm too nice?" she asked him.

"What? Of course not. You are the most sincere person I know. You give people what they deserve. Who said that?" She sighed and turned in his arms to look at him.

"Bella. Not even directly to me. Did you know she still hasn't said one word to me directly? What am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry she's acting like this. What did the Chief say?" she asked.

"I didn't tell him. I don't want to create problems. And it's fine if she doesn't like me. Wouldn't be the first time. To be honest, I worry he'll choose her over me. She's his birth daughter." He put his hand under her thigh and moved her to straddle him then cupped her face.

"He wouldn't do that. The Chief is way closer to you than she is to him." She had misted eyes, like she wanted to cry. She leaned over and hid her face in his neck. She enjoyed his smell.

"When Dad told me she was coming I thought--" She sighed again.

"You thought you'd get a sister. Not some leech lover who gets attention from anywhere she can," Morgan knew who he was talking about. She leaned back and looked into his eyes.

"I tried to talk to Jake about her but he just got mad at me."

"You need to stay away from him." Morgan pouted.

"He's like my brother. There's no need to be jealous."

"I'm not. He is the one man I don't worry about lusting after you. But he is about to phase. That means a quick temper and I don't want you to be another Emily."

"I mean I have witchcraft to protect me but okay. You know, we never decided if we were going to tell the tribe about me." Paul had done his best to keep from thinking about her magic in wolf form. He mostly thought about her mind. And the fact that they'd been exploring each other recently.

"I think that at least Sam and the Elders should know but it isn't my secret."

"It is because I'm yours and you're mine. But I agree. I've been wanting to tell Uncle Billy and I don't mind if Harry and Quill's mother know about me. Dad knows but I didn't tell him anything about the tribe or the Pack."

"Since you want to tell the Elders we'll ask then if we can tell the Chief." She nodded and grinded down on him, moaning softly. He seemed to get hard immediately and reached out to grab and still her hips. "You're in dangerous territory."

"Bella and Dad won't be home for at least an hour," she said and rolled her hips again as she leaned down and kissed the side of his neck. Instead of moving her off he pulled her even closer and moved his hips with hers and she kissed up his neck then to his lips. Their lips and hips moved together, both aroused and close to completion due to proximity to each other. She lifted his shirt and took it off before doing the same to her own. She moaned his name into his mouth as he gripped her hips with one hand and her curly hair with another. Then as she quickened her urge increasing, he moved to bite her neck which sent her over the edge with a quiet squeal. He smirked as she slowed and went back to kissing her. "What about you?" she breathed.

"I'll handle it when I get home."

"Let me," she said then moved to the side of him ,reaching her hand into his pants and smearing his precum around before moving back to his neck as she moved her hand. It was Paul's turn to grunt and moan seconds later with a growl he came all over her hand and his naked torso. Morgan went to wash off her hand and clean herself up before bringing a towel to let him do the same. Then she plopped down next to him.

"Thank you, baby," he said to her and kissed her temple. She smiled before turning and kissing him.

They met with the elders that week. Morgan just wanted to get everything over and done with. After explaining what she discovered in Virginia to the Elders Mrs. Ateara said, "Well that explains the imprint." Both Paul and Morgan flushed red in anger.

"What do you mean?" Morgan asked shortly.

"We've been searching the histories. You're the first imprint to not have tribal blood," her Uncle Billy explained.

"So you think your gods matched us because I'm magic? Couldn't my father be Quileute?"

"It is possible, of course. We don't mean to offend you," Harry told her.

"I know. I just...It sounds as if you're saying the ancestors and gods matched Paul with me so he or the tribe could use me in some way."

"No," Mrs Quill said quickly, "Not use."

"The imprint relationship would never allow for that."

"Morgan, it's more like it's possible they saw an opportunity to put more magic in our line due to Paul's connection with you," Billy tried to explain.

"You mean children. My magic being inherited by them leads to either tribal witches or wolves made stronger by magic."


"I understand," she said, then grabbed Paul's hand to calm him, "Can I tell my father about the Pack?"

"Yes, we've agreed." Billy said. He was happy to not have any more secrets from his best friend.

Paul and Morgan told Chief Swan about the Pack that night. "So you're werewolves?" Charlie asked him.

"Not exactly," Morgan corrected him, "My current theory is skin changers or shape shifters. They aren't reliant on the moon."

"And you're the wolves people have been reported seeing in the forest recently?"

"Yes, but only because there's a red headed vampire coming around hunting in those same woods. We're trying to catch her."

"I can't call hikers in without sending hunters out," he said in frustration.

"We'll try to keep a lower profile. But the last thing we need is more humans and more victims for her."

"Do I have to worry about you with my daughter?"

"No, sir. I'm a protector. We wouldn't even exist if the Cullens hadn't returned."

"Wait the Cullens? Like Bella's boyfriend and Dr. Cullen?"

"Yes, Dad. I didn't know how to tell you."

"Easy, Hey Papa bear, your other daughter is dating a murderer" he said sarcastically. Morgan looked down.

"I'm sorry, Papa bear. You're right. I just...with them gone, I didn't think you'd have to worry about them anymore."

"You still should've told me. How can I protect this damn town when I don't even know what I'm protecting them from?!" he yelled angrily. He wasn't really mad at Morgan. He was mad at Bella. At Billy. At everyone who let him walk around not knowing he could be killed by them any second. He had no problem putting his life on the line to protect people. But it had to actually protect them.

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