Chapter 6

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Morgan and Charlie were watching a basketball game when Bella arrived home. Morgan went up to her room as Charlie and Bella spoke., " You are grounded. School then home homnly. And Edward Cullen is not allowed in this house. Frankly, I find your relationship unhealthy and I can no longer support it. You both still need time apart. I don't care if they're back." He heard the car and saw Edward walk away.

"Charlie, I'm 18. ."

"That means nothing to me," he said quickly, "You are in my house and your behavior leads me to believe you are incapable of making decisions for yourself. Bella you don't seem to understand, I have the ability and evidence to declare you legally incapable."

"So what I just can't be with Edward because you say so? But SHE gets to be with Paul?"


"Well let's see if Mom agrees."

"I've already talked to her but you are of course welcome to call her." Bella stomped up the stairs and slammed her door.

That night, the Cullens met with the Quileute Pack. Sam decided to come in human form and left Jacob, Paul, Jared, and Embry in wolf form. "We see the pack has grown." Carlisle said softly.

"What do you want?"

"Well we've returned and we just want to make sure our treaty is still in place."

"Well actually we have some questions before deciding if we want to change it." All the vampires looked quite shocked by the revelation.

"Change it?" Carlisle asked, confused.

"Yes. So the first question is hunting and feeding, is it the act of hunting or can just the blood suffice?"

"As far as biologically, the blood sustains us."

"So why have you not attempted to breed predators in a controlled environment and use veterinary expertise to use them as donors?"

"It can't be as simple as that," Carlisle said but did begin thinking about it.

"Why not?"

"Why is the pack suddenly so interested in our feeding habits?"

"In your absence we realized some things. Quileutes are fishermen but also game hunters. We cover for you and our game hunting shrunk. You go for more deer and have an unfair advantage."

"I will look into what you ask."

"Also, another reason we are thinking of changing the treaty, you left a mess. A redheaded vampire. It's caused us to build a theory about mated pairs? Bodies are going missing and she's obviously on what she thinks is your land for a reason."

"Yes, we just found out. We're handling it."

"How? You left and didn't give us warning. Just gave us your problem to fix. If any Forks residents or Quileute tribe members come up missing or dead, treaty is done. You know, I'm starting to wonder if you all care for humans or if you just don't kill so you won't feel the guilt." Sam said then ran off into the forest. The other wolves chased after him, Paul last.

"That's not the Pack talking. Someone else had those questions," Carlisle said to his family, not knowing there was a silent wolf in earshot.

"But would it work?" Rosalie asked him.

"There's something else, Carlisle. I couldn't read Charlie's mind today. I've rarely been able to reach Morgan's mind but they were both blank."

"That's new."

"The breeding program. Would it work?" Rosalie asked, not caring about the blood singer's family.

"We could try it. The vegetarian diet was unheard of until I tried it," Carlisle explained.

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