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The past ten days had been a whirlwind of activity and emotions. I had thrown myself completely into my project, determined to make it a success, and it paid off.

Wrapping up my work in Gwalior, I received not only praise from my boss but also glowing feedback from the clients. It was a gratifying experience, and I felt a deep sense of accomplishment.

My train sped towards Bhopal and I couldn't help but just smile. Despite the challenges and the pressure, I had managed to prove myself, ofcourse if Kshitij would have not suggested that Maa stayed with them. The satisfaction of a job well done was really exhilarating, and I was eager to share the news with my family and friends.

I glanced out the window, watching the familiar landscapes of Madhya Pradesh rush by. There was a comfort in returning home, especially with just five days left until my wedding. My heart raced at the thought.

So much had happened, and now I was heading back to face the next big step in my life.

The train’s announcement system crackled to life, informing passengers that we were approaching Bhopal Junction. I gathered my things, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was surreal to think that in just a few days, I would be marrying Kshitij.


The name brought a flutter of anticipation. Our last phone conversation had been comforting, and though we hadn’t spoken on the phone since, our texts had kept us connected. I was curious to see how things would unfold once I was back.

The train slowed to a halt at the station,and  I took a deep breath in, feeling the familiar rush of homecoming. The platform was bustling with activity, and I scanned the crowd, looking for a familiar face.

With my bag slung over my shoulder and holding the hold of my trolley bag, I stepped off the train, the sounds and smells of Bhopal washing over me, I walked outside the railway station.

I was home.

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly, someone tapped my back. Startled, I turned around to find two familiar faces grinning at me—Shreya and Aayush, ah— Kshitij’s dearest cousins.

“Kritika Di! Welcome back!” Shreya
exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Hey, did you forget us already?” Aayush added, pretending to be hurt.

And I laughed. Oh God.

“Of course not! It’s so good to see you both.”

Shreya winked. “You look radiant Di, must be the post-project glow, right?”

“Or maybe it’s the pre-wedding glow,” Aayush teased, nudging Shreya with his elbow.

Just then, my eyes caught sight of Kshitij standing a few feet away as he rolled his eyes. “You two are impossible.”

Our eyes met for a brief moment, and my heart skipped a beat. But before I could gauge his reaction, he looked away and said, “I’m going to get the car. Be right back.”

With that, he turned and walked towards the parking lot. I watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions. Shreya and Aayush exchanged a glance but didn’t comment on it, sensing the sudden change in my mood.

“Come on, Di,” Shreya said, linking her arm with mine. “Let’s get you to the hotel. Everyone’s already there, waiting for you and us too!!”

Aayush picked up my bag with a grin.

“Yeah, you’ve had a long journey. Time to relax before the wedding madness begins.”

I nodded, grateful for their presence.

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