A prophecy? How lucky am I...?

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Once again, I saw only black. When I opened my eyes, I was in that place again. Darkness surrounded me, and my feet felt like they were in a puddle, the water didn't even reach my ankles, but it was everywhere.

- {"You can stop! I'm tired of seeing nothing!"} - I say, but all I hear is the echo of my voice.

I started walking, maybe I'll get to the snow again.

- {"Is anyone there?"} - I call, but no one answers.

- {"..."}

In the distance I heard some murmurs, followed the muffled sounds until I began to hear the voices, once muffled, now loud and clear. The closer I got to the voices, the brighter it got, until a flash blinded me. I opened my eyes, and this time I was... near a river, I'm not sure, it's hard to see around me.

- "Are you listening to me, by any chance?" - says the voice I've been following.

Looking where the voice is coming from I see.... a sword? That SPEAKS?

- "Loud and clear." - I say, but it's not me... but it is me, it's my voice. I... I've been here, I feel it.

A memory?

- "I can't believe he left me for a woman!!! A woman! Me! His greatest companion! And he just gave me up, just like that. When I see him again he'll hear them!" - says the sword.

- "How cold of him to cut you like that."

- "This is no time for jokes, J-k—" says the sword.

- {"What did he say? I didn't hear!"} - even though that's what I thought, the memory of myself continued.

- "Sorry, I couldn't resist." - I say, laughing at it. - "Don't worry Sum, someone will come for you."

- "Yeah, but the next blond guy who comes along will have a taste of me." - says angrily.

The me from the memory laughs, and once again a flash blinds me. I open my eyes slowly and recognize the white room, I'm back in the infirmary.

- "Oh, I'm glad you woke up, we were worried." - says Will - "Here."

Will helped me sit on the bed and gave me nectar once more.

- "You'd better rest for the rest of the day." - he recommends and I agree. - "You nearly had a concussion, fortunately it didn't happen, but unfortunately you got a bump, but it will soon disappear. " - he says, pulling out an ointment.

- "Jack, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were distracted, I would normally have better reflexes, but it was so sudden. Are you all right?" - Percy asked me, his gaze worried.

- "I didn't realize either, I'm sorry Jack, Percy and I should have noticed right away. " - says Jason, just like Percy, he was worried and sorry.

- "It's all right. It was my fault, I thought I heard a voice, but there was no one there." - I say, but I remember that the voice wasn't the same as the one in my memory.

- "Are you okay?" - Nico asks me, I turn towards him, I hadn't even noticed that he was right next to me.

- "Just confused, my head hurts and I just had... I can't even explain it, it was a dream, but it was more like a memory.... I was talking to a talking sword!!! I really need to stop knocking myself out so often." - I speak with my hand on my head because of the pain.

- "A talking sword? What story is it from?" - asks Nico.

The others looked at each other, as confused as I was. What's fair!

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