I had a very strange dream

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Hello again, it's been a while since I've spoken to you, these last two days have been quite busy. One moment we were resting on the train and the next we were being attacked by the very same empousas that we left behind, plot twist, they managed to catch up with us. Together Jason and Nico managed to kill two and Will managed to stun the others, but we had to get off the train in Iowa, and we lost sight of them once we got on a bus in the gutter.

Now we were in Minnesota, maybe from here we could find a way to get to Quebec. But as we got off the bus and walked through the city we were attacked by bird women, or Harpies, as they told me.

- "Those monsters, they're so insistent!" - I say breathlessly, because as soon as the bus stopped at the terminal we quickly had to hide from some harpies.

- "First empousas, and now harpies, lucky us." - says Will.

- "Let's see if we can find somewhere to stay tonight." - says Jason.

- "I agree." - says Nico, still checking if we had lost them.

That's when a small inn appeared in the corner of my eye, right between two buildings. While the buildings were tall, the inn seemed to have only two floors, it wasn't thin, but it wasn't wide either.

«That's strange, I haven't seen it before.» - I think.

- "Jason, that inn, was it over there before?" - I ask, pointing to the small building between two huge buildings.

- "That's strange." - says Jason, but then he looks at the sign. - "The Hermes symbol?"

Nico and Will look in the direction Jason and I were looking and they're both as confused as we were.

- "Well, Hermes is the god of travelers." - says Will trying to be positive, but I think he was a little unsure.

- "True, but I don't remember it being there before." - says Nico, trying to figure it out.

- "Since when does anything in our lives make sense?" - I say, making a point.

- "Jack's right, the gods do as they please, maybe he's decided to create another place for travelers." - says Jason.

We decided to spend the night in the inn and continue our journey the next day. Despite its size and the fact that it looked a bit old, inside it was quite pleasant. There was a reception area with a small waiting room with a large chandelier, brown rugs and a stuffed head of a black horse on the fireplace. The head was a bit strange and I noticed Nico analyzing it, but other than that it looked like a normal place.

- "Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" - asks the receptionist when he notices us coming in.

- "Hi. We'd like a room for the night." - Will replied.

- "Of course. But we only have a room with two double beds. Is that a problem?"

- "No. That would be perfect. Boys, you can go and rest while I take care of the check-in." - Will replies again, handing us the key the receptionist gave him. - "And Nico, that goes especially for you. I can see how tired you are just by looking at your face." - My friend adds as he turns to his boyfriend.

- "I'm fine, I'll wait for you." - says Nico

- "It's room 4J on the second floor. Unfortunately we don't serve dinner, but there is a café on the front street, open until 10pm and a food machine on the 1st floor. Have a nice stay." - informs the receptionist.

We left Will, to finish checking in, while Nico waited for him, and went straight up to our room to put our bags in. There really was a machine on the 1st floor, but right now I just wanted to get into a cuddly bed and do nothing for the next few hours. A few minutes later, Will and Nico arrived at the room. Will made Nico lie down straight away, while he went to the café across the street to buy something to eat.

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