1- School

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It was now the first day of your freshman year, and you were packing all your school supplies in your bag. Grabbing a slice of toast slathered with jam, you shoved it in your mouth and flung your bag on, rushing out the door.

You heard a shout behind you as you walked to school. You turned around, seeing none other than Kel, Mari, Sunny, and Hero. You slowed your pace down, allowing them to catch up.

"Gooood morning Y/n!" Kel said cheerfully. "Morning, Kel! And everyone else!" You replied, swallowing the last of your toast. Mari was talking to Sunny about some... recital in a week? You didn't want to eavesdrop, so you payed attention to the sidewalk ahead.

"Y/n! Y/n! Check this out!" Kel suddenly yelled. You turned to him again, just in time to see him do a cartwheel.

Straight into a tree.

You let out a laugh, before stifling it almost immediately. "Kel, oh my God!" You said, rushing to him. Hero was right behind you. "Kel! Are you alright?" He asked, helping Kel up and brushing him off. "Yea... heheh! That was pretty fun! I wanna do it again!" You facepalmed.

Hero shook his head. "No, no, let's just go to school without anymore trouble." Mari nodded. "I agree. We wouldn't want anyone getting seriously hurt!" Kel sighed, nodding. "Okayyy..." "We're here." Sunny said.

You turned back around, eyes widening at how fancy looking the school was. "Alrighty! Bye, Sunny! Bye, Kel! Have fun in your classes and don't get in trouble!" Mari yelled after the boys. Hero turned to you. "Oh, you don't know where your classes are, do you?" He asked, tilting his head.

You shook your head, laughing sheepishly. "Ehhhehehhh... no... could you and Mari show me around and help me find my classes?" "Of course!" Mari replied, jumping up behind you, startling you in the process.

She took your hand, bringing you along into the school. You marveled at the many hallways, classes, clubs, and such. You pulled out of your pocket the paper with all your classes on it. Mari took a peek. "Oooo biology! Hero has that one as his first class!" Hero nodded, pointing behind him at a hallway. "It's down that way." He said. "I can show you!"

"Right-o! I'm heading off to my piano lesson! Bye
Y/n! Bye Hero~" She kissed his cheek, then waved goodbye while running down the main hallway. You turned to look at him. His face was red. "Darn it, Mari..." he smiled softly. You smirked at him, catching his gaze. "A-anyway!- C'mon, hahah..."

He led you through the hallway to a large science lab with large windows to view the parking lot. Every seat seemed to be taken except for two seats in the back next to the windows. You and Hero looked at each other, shrugged, then went to the back and sat down together.

The bell rang, and the teacher stood up. "Good morning class, my name is Mr. Conifer. You will address me as my name I have given. There is no "Mr", "Connie", "Con-man", C-dog", or anything else like that. Is that clear?" You looked around, seeing students nod. A few were snickering, but nodded as well. You and Hero did the same.

"Very good. On another note, we have a new student. Y/n L/n, please stand up." You felt your face heat up. Hero gave you an encouraging smile. You slowly stood up and gave a small wave, then sat back down. "Now that that's over with, onto todays lesson..."

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

You were starting to doze off when you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Psst! Y/n!" You looked up. "Huh..?" Hero was smiling. "You gotta pay attention! Wouldn't want the teacher to call on you, would you?" You shook your head no. "Of course not, heh- Thanks Hero."

He nodded, turning his attention back to the front of the class where Mr. Conifer was displaying parts of a diagram featuring multiple mammals with similar bone structures. You yawned. First day of school, you either love it or hate it. In your case, hate wasn't too far off. At least you had a friend in this class.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

Lunch time had finally arrived. Most of your classes had either Hero, Mari, or both of them, but that didn't stop the day from dragging on. You were currently looking around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit, when you heard a shout from behind you.

"Y/n! Over here! You turned to where the voice was coming from, seeing Aubrey waving at you, sitting with the others. You breathed a sigh of relief, glad you didn't have to sit alone like every stereotypical new kid.

You made your way with your tray over to where the gang was, sitting in between Aubrey and Kel (for obvious reasons that you didn't want to get into at the moment). "Glad you finally made it! We were just taking about the latest Spaceboy comic!" Aubrey said excitedly.

Kel started going on a super long rant about Spaceboy and how cool his adventures were. Aubrey added in occasional facts about the comic and how some interactions applied to real life. Sunny was watching Aubrey. You couldn't tell exactly why, but you had a little idea.

As lunch went on, the conversations at the table kept shifting left and right, eventually leading to the recital that was happening next week. "Aaaaugh, I'm so excited! We're gonna do so well, as long as we practice enough!" Mari said, playfully bumping Sunny in the shoulder. He rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face.

"I am practicing enough, you don't have to keep saying it." He replied. Mari shrugged, giggling. Aubrey leaned forward. "So what are you gonna play?? I bet it's gonna sound and be the most beautiful thing ever! After all, you two are so talented on your instruments!" Sunny's cheeks turned a light pink, and Mari smiled.

"Aww thanks Aubrey! What we're playing is a secret, but it will be an amazing performance, so long as everything goes according to plan!" "Aaaand... SCORE!!" Kel shouted. He had just thrown his orange into a trashcan a distance away.

"Kel! You were supposed to eat that! Fruits are good for you! And haven't you ever been told not to play with your food? You're too silly!" Aubrey lectured Kel. He made his hands do puppet mouths, ignoring Aubrey's complaints. "Yea yea, I'm just practicing for when I join the basketball team! You better believe I'm gonna be the best one on the court!"

"Certainly not the healthiest, though..." Aubrey muttered.

This comment led the two to get into another one of their childish arguments. Basil cut into the "conversation". "C'mon guys, can't you just... I dunno... get along?" He said with a nervous laugh. They didn't hear him, unfortunately. Sunny patted his arm reassuringly.

He stood up, walked over to where Aubrey and Kel were arguing, and pushed in between the two, separating them. He gave a thumbs up to you, then walked back to his seat. You gave a thumbs up back.

Aubrey and Kel narrowed their eyes at each other, but before they could start again, the bell rang again.

"Whew... saved by the bell..." you sighed with relief.

As the group said their goodbyes to each other, Mari stopped you from walking off. "Wait, Y/n!" She gave you a slip of paper. "I figured since you're part of our gang now, that I'd give you me and Sunny's numbers." You nodded, pulling out a slip of your number and handing it to her.

"And here's mine! I'll call later!" You said, waving goodbye and heading off to class. She waved back, heading off with Hero. He turned to you, sending a smile and waving goodbye as well. You did the same, and went on your way.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

Your first day was finally over! After packing up your stuff and heading out, you saw your friends outside the front. "Hey guys!" You yelled, running to them. "Hey Y/n! We were just about to go to Kel and Hero's house. Wanna come?" You nodded, smiling. "Sure! I needed some way to get out of chores," you replied jokingly.

So off the seven of you went, to have a hangout at the brothers' casa. (:>)

Bonjour, I am back with another chapter! This time with more Hero interactions and a possibly stereotypical (maybe racist??) Spanish comment! Unfortunately, next chapter will ruin everything 👹👹👹

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