2- Recital

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After a week of waiting, it was finally the day of the recital! You had been listening to soundtracks of violin and piano duets all last week to know what to expect, and possibly guess what Sunny and Mari were playing.

You were currently in the last class of the day.

Advanced geometry.

You hated the class, but absolutely loved the teacher. So what if someone called you a teacher's pet? It was only one teacher, and she was a funny one, too.

Your student senses told you the bell was about to ring, so you silently put away the slip of paper that was your homework in your school bag, carefully so that no one would notice. You could tell other students felt the bell's presence falling upon them, since they weren't being so smooth at putting away their supplies.

"Hey! We are still learning, guys! Don't pack your stuff up 'til the bell rings. Damien, you're staying after class." The teacher said. Everyone groaned except for you. You smiled slyly at Damien, who was glaring at you.

Let's just say, you two had history.

The bell finally rung, and everyone pushed past you to flow out the door. You waved goodbye to your teacher and walked outside of the school, a grin on your face. You heard from a few kids that Sunny and Mari had left school a few minutes early for extra practice for tonight.

You guessed that since Mari was a perfectionist, she probably insisted it was necessary, although they were most likely fine.

You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Hero with a stack of homework in his arms. You rose an eyebrow questioningly, taking half the stack to help him out. "It's, uh... heh... extra credit," he mumbled sheepishly.

"Well, it's certainly extra. Don't you have all A's?" "Well yes, but I've been told these can be used as college credit, and I've got big plans, so I was hoping these could help pave that road, you know?"

You nodded, knowing exactly(ish) what he meant. "I was just saying, I don't think all of this is necessary." You chuckled. "Anyway, you excited to see your girl playing tonight?" His face turned red once more. You laughed at the reaction.

"I'll take that as a yes."

You followed Hero to his house, careful not to let the paper stack get blown away by the wind. He opened the door, letting you inside and leading you to his room, putting the papers on his desk and you doing the same.

You check your watch. "Oh, I better get home and changed for later tonight! See you then, Hero!" "Bye Y/n! Thanks for the help!" Hero waved goodbye as you left the house, heading off to your own.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

After getting in your (f/c) dress, your gaze drifted to a hairbrush on your desk, right next to another.

Oh yea! I borrowed a hairbrush from Mari! Better tell her I'm coming to return it!

You dialed Mari's number on your phone and waited for her to pick up. She never did. You shrugged to yourself, deciding she must be busy. You picked up the hairbrush, calling to your mom in the other room.

"Hey Mom, I'm returning the hairbrush I borrowed from Mari, I'll be back in a minute or two!"

"Alright, and you better keep your word!"

You skipped your way over to Sunny and Mari's house, hairbrush in hand. You knocked on the door. Yelling could be heard from inside. You decided to peek through a window to see what was going on.

Two shadows were standing at the top of the staircase. There was a smashed violin at the bottom. You squinted to see who was fighting, but couldn't make out who was who. There seemed to be a tussle, and the taller figure was shoved down the stairs.

You gasped, your eyes widening. Now in the light of the setting sun, you could see who was at the bottom of the stairs.

It was Mari.

The other figure rushed down and kneeled at her motionless figure, followed by another.

Sunny and Basil.

They were clearly panicking. After pacing back and forth and shaking Mari's body, Basil helped Sunny bring her to another room, possibly her bedroom.

You felt sweat on your hands as you started to shake. You felt tears form on your eyes and your heart try to break out of your chest.

She wasn't moving. She probably fell on the violin shards...

Basil and Sunny left the room. They seemed to be sweating. Basil looked at the window where you were. You hid from sight, begging your heart to silence itself. You heard footsteps come closer and saw his shadow through the window reflect on the ground next to you.

Your face paled.

He left the window, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief.

You, being scared out of your wits, dropped the hairbrush and ran back home. You heard footsteps behind you.

They must've heard me. [bleep].

You sprinted faster, opening the door to your home and slamming it, running upstairs to your room and locking the door. At last, the tears flowed freely down your face, your sobs echoing throughout your room. You felt and heard your mom knocking on your door and asking what was wrong, but you didn't bother answering.

You knew you wouldn't be able to, anyway. You were too afraid and upset. After all, you had just watched your new best friend get killed the night of her and her brother's recital.

You stood up from sitting against the door and walked over to your bed, not bothering to turn off the light. Tears still fell from your cheeks, but you didn't reach to wipe them away. You knew they'd continue to fall.

You flopped down on your bed, hoping sleep would help.

Maybe it was all just a bad dream. Certainly felt like it. You closed your eyes, waiting for something to happen.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

Welcome to WHITE SPACE.

You have been living here for as long as you can remember.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

You felt white light shining on your face. You opened your eyes, finding yourself in a white room with a few items of entertainment scattered about. A single black lightbulb was hanging in the center of the room.

You stumbled to your feet, brushing away the (h/c) hair from your eyes. Spotting a door, you reached for the knob. Before grabbing it, you heard something clatter to the ground somewhere else. You searched for the source, finding a long staff with a sharp and jagged piece of metal on the end.

A spear..??

You shrugged, strapping it behind your back. You walked back to the door, reaching for the knob and not being interrupted this time. Opening it up, a white light glowed even brighter from the other side. You squinted, walking inside.

#ShovingMariDownTheStairs <3

Lol jk- :> I've decided to make different adventures in HEADSPACE for Y/n to go on with the others, cuz idk anything apart from a few details and characters and Kel doesn't like pickles

Oh well

Smell y'all later >:D

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