6- Adventures

33 4 21

This is meant to be filler/Hero being adorable (and the others being goofy silly fun time lol), mainly just Headspace, and maybe some actual story action

You went to bed after a long and tiring day of...

Interacting with people.


Unfortunately, it had to be done so you could fix the relationships that you had with the others. Kel was the first, and Hero was... probably going to be the last friendship you fixed (Y'know, for plot reasons).

You had seen people that looked familiar, their faces and looks similar to the ones you knew as a kid, but you couldn't be sure until you were comfortable stepping out of your comfort zone.


Yeaaa, you weren't gonna say or think that sentence again.

You left your window open, enjoying the cool night time breeze and the sounds of the dark outside. Familiar sounds, like crickets chirping, owls hooting, and tree branches creaking in the wind. These quiet noises were the final touch of sending you off to dream land.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚


"Kel, just leave the stupid boulder! It's not important!" "But Hector isn't a boulder..." Kel sniffled, the smallest hint of tears in his eyes. "He's a rock!..." You facepalmed.

"Come on, you two, stop arguing... Aubrey, you have Mr Plantegg and Kel has Hector. You both have things important to you, so can you please stop fighting about what's what?" Hero pointed out, desperation in his voice.

Omori was dragging his knife against the magenta planet's dust, drawing little patterns with the silver blade.

Aubrey sighed with exasperation. "Can we please get moving already? Basil could be in serious danger! I'm sorry for being impatient, but this is getting annoying!" Her eyes glinted with tears as she paced back and forth.

You felt conflict begin to rise, subconsciously wrapping your arms around your knees and putting your head in between your legs. You didn't want any part of this.

"Calm down, everyone, please! Relax, Aubrey, we will find Basil, everyone just needs to take a break for a moment. Kel, I'm sure we'll find Hector along the way. And Y/n," he turned at your figure curled up against the stump of one of the pink trees.

You brought your gaze a bit higher, just enough to look him in the eyes but not so much so that you'd catch the attention of the other three.

He walked over and sat down beside you, putting his hand on your back. "Relax. Everything will be okay, okay? I promise." He flashed one of his perfect smiles at you. Contagious as smiling is, you giggled a little before giving him your own small smile.

Omori had looked up at you and Hero talking and smiling, still drawing in the pink-purple space dust. He stared for a moment, before drawing a heart with an H, a (your first initial), and an x in between.

He then stood up, walking in a certain direction as though he knew where he was going. Which was strange, since the gang had only been in VAST FOREST and that's it.

Aubrey ran to start the following line again. "Finally!" She sighed. Kel followed behind her, fidgeting with his hands and looking upset.

Hero looked up. "Ah, there we go. Off to SPACE BOYFRIEND's home." He held out his hand to help you up, you gladly taking it. You got back in place in the line, behind Hero, a small smile still on your face.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

The group walked by one of the many junk containers in the JUNKYARD. You paused, seeing it start to shake. "Uh...g-guys?" Omori stopped slowly turning around. The container burst open, revealing...

A giant red jar of jam?

"Hiya kids! I'm LIFE JAM GUY! Do you want a demo for my LIFE JAM?!" Hero, who was the leader of the party, hesitantly nodded. "U-um... sure??" "GREAT!!"

The 5 of you immediately regretted it. LIFE JAM GUY beat down Aubrey, then Kel, then looked at you. Hero was desperate to try to survive, but unfortunately, the two of you were TOAST.

Unbelievably, Omori managed to survive. He used life jam to revive everyone.

You were currently pinned down by Hero, who had tried to block Life Jam Guy's attack for you.

The two of you stared at each other for awhile, the battle now over and the others recovering from their trauma. Hero jumped back up, and brushed himself off, his face burning. Your cheeks were flushed despite you telling yourself to calm down.

In all honesty, you thought it was sweet how he tried to protect you, but you were still pretty flustered from the event. Hero had taken the lead once more, politely asking conveyer bots to change the direction of the conveyor belts.

"Hey, Hero?" You started. He glanced at you before looking away quickly. "Y-yea?" "Thanks for... trying to save me..." He gave a short nod, an embarrassed look on his face. "N-no problem..." he mumbled.

You went to the back of the line where you were, enjoying the scenery of the junkyard. Maybe Kel was right about looking on the bright side of things? Even if he doesn't always say that.

Basil's disappearance may be scary for everyone, but the search for him has led to many adventures that bonded the team closer than before! All the fighting and fun times, arguments and interactions, it really does make life worth living.

You enjoyed all the time the you were spending with the others.

Especially Hero.

✦ ⁺. ⧣₊˚

BEEP BEEP BEE- *click*

Boy, was that a good rest! You felt newly energized than ever before! [said no one]

You hopped out of bed, throwing on a nice pair of clothes for the next day. Tomorrow would be Monday, which meant back to school, which meant another chance at trying to talk to Hero!

You threw the outside door open, knowing your mom wouldn't stop you because she was sleeping in. You knocked on the door of Kel and Hero's house, waiting for the eccentric basketball player to open it up.

You hummed softly, swaying side to side on your feet. You heard the door knob turn, but you weren't expecting...


I am on the brink of writer's block, desperately trying to drive away from that oh so steep hill that's so hard to climb unless you build a stairway and that takes a lot of effort- lol a lot of people won't understand my metaphors- but yea next chapter will include some very nice hero x reader!
👹 stay wild, simps

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