💦 2

40 2 0

I wake up from my sleep and see the clock.
It's only 4AM. But I get ready to go practice.
I Take a bath, get dressed and ofc wear my socks.

I go to the practice room. And see Bao-yu and Jaeha in there.

"Where is Eunhae Eonnie?"

"She has a meeting. Idk why LoL, usually there is no meeting" bao-yu said

"Maybe it's important?" I said.

"Maybe it's" Jaeha said.

"Rika, do u want to go to Nct wish practice lobby?" Jaeha ask me.

"Nty" I said.

"There is Bao-yu too!. It will be fun in there!"

Jaeha grab my hand and Bao-yu too.

"Seems like Ryo interested to be with u" Jaeha whisper.

Jaeha knock nct wish practice place.

Jaehee open the door. And said " Hi!, good thing that we are having our break."

"Babeee!!!"  Jaeha Hug Jaehee.

I look at them disgusted.

"It looks like u don't like someone touchy?"
Jaehee ask.

I didn't say anything. Just look away and see the sofa.

"Hey Nori!" Sion greet me.

"The nickname😭" I laugh


"Wth Sakuya" I said

I think about something and said this.


"Fuck u Ino"

"HEY LANGUAGE SAKUYA!" Sion screams.

Sion babble Sakuya. And ofc Sakuya looks down and stare the floor, I smirk while see that incident.

"Don't you guys already know each other?"
Yushi said.

Ryo and I look at each other and shook our head.

"So I will start with a game named truth or dare, but U only ask truth to each other" Yushi said.


We nodded and played the game.

"Ino, What is ur hobby?"He ask, "My hobby is writing diary."

"Uuhh, Simple basic Hobby. Like that" Yushi said.

"What is ur fav member in here?" I ask, "It's Sakuya"

"What bout me?" Yushi interruped. Ryo narrowed his eyes " FOR SURE NO" Ryo said.

We get to know each other now.
At evening, we go back go our dorms.

There is notification in my phone so i open it.


Eunhae added Inorika in this group

Hi Ino. Welcome to our Garden.


Annyeong Nori :)

What group is this?

This is our Communication group sis.

Why do u call her SIS!, SHE IS MY SIS BRO.

dorm mates ~ Ryo Nct wishWhere stories live. Discover now