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"Why are you!"

Sonic is very annoyed by others touching his hair. Since he got this hairstyle and color, some of his friends have always come up to tease him.

He has gotten out of his temper. As soon as the little guy's hand touched his hair, he reflexively reached out and stopped it but he didn't pay attention so he hit the little thing's soft hand with a "pop".

Alan was stunned by the very crisp sound.

Lil Rak was stunned too. He just watched and thought that colorful fluttering hair was fun. He couldn't help but reached out and touched it but his hand was slapped hard.

Sonic didn't expect that he would hit him so hard. He was a little sorry but upon seeing Jeff frowning and the pitiful little thing crying, he was guilty and annoyed.

Didn't that little thing just touch him? Why?
He yelled like he caught the handle, "I didn't hit him deliberately, what's the point of crying!"

Lin Keai was still in a daze, rubbing the red hand, trying hard not to cry. Tears were still hanging on the eyelashes.

But Sonic's loud yelling completely scared Lil Rak.

The little guy's quickly curled his mouth, bursting into a bag of tears.

Jefg hurried forward to coax him, Alan also helped him gently rub his hands.

Sonic watched from aside, they looked like a family of three and became more angry, "What's the point? Is it necessary to cry like this? He reached out and grab me first!"

"Sonic!" Alan called him coldly with a dark face.

Jeff stopped him and walked to Sonic holding Lil Rak.

"Sonic, Lil Rak does not require your permission to touch but he is also wrong by touching your hair." Jeff patted the little guy on the back and said softly, "Baby, say sorry."

The little guy's eyes were filled with tears and he stirred his fingers, choked and said sorry.

"My baby is so good,"
Jeff kissed him, wiped the tears off his face and then looked at Sonic coldly, "Lil Rak finished apologizing, isnt it your turn now?"

"You want me to apologize to him? Are you sick?" Sonic gave him an annoyed, "What are you acting for? Who are you acting for? So you love to let others apologize, did you even apologize to my brother?"

Sonic's voice was particularly sharp and loud. Right now only his words echoed in the empty home.

Suddenly, his voice was stopped by a powerful voice.

"Get out!"

Sonic looked at Alan incredulously.

Alan was looking at him coldly. He was naturally born with a stern face. Looking at him so coldly, his complexion was harsher than the snow outside.

Alan's voice was not loud, but it was full of clear anger.

"Sonic. Get out."

Jeff was stunned. He turned to look at Sonic and saw his face flushed suddenly.

Jeff had never seen Alan talk to anyone like this.
Alan is not a good-tempered person, but he rarely gets really angry.

Sonic had a bad relationship with Tony. If he got into trouble when he was in school, he wouldn't dare to talk to Tony.

Basically, he asked always ask Alan to help him clean up. In fact, they were all trivial things but very often visits the school for Sonic.

Meanwhile Tony let him roll up and fuck off early but Alan is different. He will only tell him indifferently, although he doesn't care about her very much but he didn't think he is annoying, let alone angry.

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