kiss and makeup -2

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Manisha shifted her eyes over to akshu in anger. He’d told her ashika would be coming over, not Abhishek. The little brat. 

“I take it ashika's not coming, then?” It was evident in her voice that she were upset.

Akshu looked at Manisha with apologetic eyes, like a child being scolded, as he avoided her gaze. At the lack of response, she turned her attention back to Abhishek.

Manu:-There isn’t enough food for all of us, and even if there was, it probably wouldn’t match your fancy diet anyway. Go buy a salad or something,” she told him, rolling her eyes.

Abhishek couldn’t help but smile at her response. “Such hostility,” he said, his hand resting on his chest in fake hurt, and a teasing grin on his face that made her want to slap it off.

Manisha gritted her teeth at the teasing – God, this man frustrated her to no end, and he was enjoying it, too. 

“Fuck off, Abhishek. You’re not welcome here,” Manisha said before walking away.

Abhishek was about to follow Manisha into the dining room, unable to resist teasing her further, but akshu stopped him. “Come on, man. Don’t provoke her. She’s already annoyed, especially because I lied to her.”

Manisha paced the dining room in an attempt to calm herself down while the pasta cooked . She grabbed the plates from the cabinet and started setting the table. She'd cooled off until she realised she’d have to set a place for Abhishek. Manisha frowned as she stared at the last plate. Why couldn’t Abhishek just leave her alone? He should know not to bother her, she’d shown him before how petty she could be when he frustrated her, so why did he have to try again and again? Should she act like the bigger person, get over yourself and set the table for Abhishek, or should she 'forget' about Abhishek and set only four places? Her parents would be upset for sure, but the urge to retaliate is so strong. Manisha stood still for at least a minute as she weighed her options.  

A smile crept its way on her face when she spotted the kids’ table in the corner of the dining room. Usually, it’s only used for big family events, when her much younger cousins come to visit. They don’t properly fit at the adult table and have their own tiny table in the corner of the room. A normal-sized human wouldn’t properly fit on one of the seats. Besides, Abhishek ,if he acts like a child, then he can sit at the children’s table. She grab the children’s cutlery and plate from the cabinet and set a special place for Abhishek. She can barely keep her laughter back at the thought of Abhishek sitting at the small table in a chair that’s way too tiny for him.

When she heard the timer beep, she tried to neutralise her expression. You placed the pasta on the kitchen table before calling her family (and Abhishek) for dinner. Manisha parents were, unsurprisingly, the first to join her at the table. The boys, naturally, were still finishing up the game they started before dinner was finished. Her parents were already seated and provided with drinks before the boys came walking in. Although her parents hadn’t noticed the table in the corner or the missing chair, her brother noticed straight away.

He looked at her disappointedly as he said, “manisha, did you seriously not set a place for Abhishek?”

“No, I did. It’s right over there,” Manisha said, pointing to the kids’ table.

The boys looked in the direction Manisha were pointing, and akshu started laughing immediately. Meanwhile, Abhishek was shocked at how blunt she were being. So far, every retaliation she’d ever taken wasn’t that obvious. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and disappointment as he stared at the table – did she really dislike him that much?

“Where’s the other chair?” akshu asked, still chuckling as he stood at the empty spot by the table.
Manisha didn’t look up when she responded, “I don’t know,” shrugging her shoulders as she casually continued to divide the pasta.

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