Fear part 1

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summary: in which Abhishek is one of Manisha's greatest fears and she is his achilles' heel.

"abhishek, baby?"

Manisha silky voice fills the quiet apartment as she pad across the floor. She was carrying her heeled mary janes by its straps, leaving her only in white socks.


She frown as the seconds pass and she receive no response from her lover. there's no music playing, no rustling somewhere in the kitchen or the living room. the lights are dim like they usually are, but the vivid colors are absent.

him? asleep at 9pm? Mr.malhan? it can't be, but she'd be delighted to finally see him resting early if it was real.

and so, spurred by that tiny glimmer of hope, she carefully crack the bedroom door open, as if she is fifteen again and just came back from sneaking out of the house.

but she grown now; she live in a building with complete strangers for neighbors. She just got home from work, and she no longer used to sleeping alone because she share the bed with another person.

She find it empty. devoid of any creases, sign of life. as neat as a hotel room's make believe that no one lived there until two hours prior.

the disappointment weighs down on her shoulders, causing them to drop.

he didn't tell her he was going somewhere else after shoot, Manisha think to herself as her lips permanently shape into a pout. what happened to going out with her for dinner?

agreeing, her empty stomach grumbles angrily.

maybe he got caught up at work. maybe he's on his way home. maybe he's on his way to the restaurant and he's about to text her to come over. maybe he forgot about their plans and he's having dinner with somebody else.

whatever the reason is, she is too lazy and tired to whip up something edible on her own. with or without him, she is going out and stuffing her mouth full with noodles. after all, autumn is here, her dear old friend.

in search for a coat that will accompany Manisha in her late-night stroll, she enter the walk-in closet and flip on the lightswitch.

Manisha can count them with just her fingers- the amount of times she've felt this type of fear. absent eyes, melting spine, chills running to the top of her head down to her fingertips, mind racing with an overload of thoughts (it appears as a blank page, the same way that white is the presence of all colors of visible light). this fear... she associate it with impulsive mistakes, fire, police and ambulance sirens, and... empty closets.

Abhishek's side of the closet is empty.

clothes. shoes. bucket hats. beanies. belts. everything. gone.

but the floor is scattered with random pieces of clothing that look like they accidentally fell while someone was in a rush to pack them all in a bag. so in a rush that they didn't even bother to pick them up.

Manisha weak knees almost give way, but she force herself to stumble backwards until her back hits the doorframe- she refuse to let herself look like she've been carelessly discarded too.

not again. not again. not this goddamn vicious curse she thought she've already broken out of. not. again.

She blink away the tears threatening to spill as Manisha scramble to open the zipper of her bag, but they spill anyway when her shoes clatter to the floor. Manisha flinch at the thunderous sound, clutching her phone tightly against her chest. She keep her eyes closed throughout the defeaning silence that comes after.

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