chapter 3: secret

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"i'll see you tomorrow vic" i smiled at my new best friend as i left the gym, making my way over to the changing rooms

i stopped outside of the changing rooms, overhearing a conversation between leah and beth

"she's leaving in a few weeks beth" leah said

"i know but you don't want her to go away and you two haven't sorted your problems out" beth said

"kai caused this by herself, she treated lessi like shit" leah said, my heart dropping realising it was between kai and me

"but that's how kai has always been, you can't pick and choose when you want to be mad at her, your not mad at her when it's just a random girl, you just say oh that's just typical kai, you then can't be made when she does the exact same thing to alessia... that's confusing for her, she's probably wondering if your mad at the way she acts or because of who she did it to" beth said

"i'm mad about both of those reasons, the way she acts and who she's done it to!" leah exclaimed

"are you sure? because i haven't seen you have a problem with it when it's with some random girl before" beth said

"you know kai struggles with relationships, she's never here to start a proper one" beth added

huh? what do you mean she's never here?

"i know, i need to sort this out before she leaves, i don't know what might happen to her when she's away" leah sighed

away doing what?

i left it a few minutes before walking in, acting like i hadn't heard a thing

"you two okay?" i asked as i packed my bags

"yeah are you?" beth asked

i nodded my head with a smile, before putting my bag over my shoulder and leaving the room

i need to talk to kai about what the fuck those two were on about.


i texted leah later on that night asking if kai was in and if so if i could come round

she told me she was out with some random girl who turned up at there doorstep

i sighed realising kai probably doesn't actually think anything about us two, that it's a scenario i made up in my head

i stayed up all night thinking about kai, thinking about how fast i fell for her, how dumb i was to believe that she was going to stay after the first night

it was around 5 in the morning, the sun starting to rise, i decided to go on a early morning walk... summer was officially here, world cup in australia and then back home for a new start at arsenal.

this was a new chapter for me and i wasn't going to let anything ruin it, or should i say anyone ruin it.

i walked along the pond in the park, looking at the ducks that swam init.

it's was peaceful, something quite rare in london.

i carried on walking before bumping into someone, not focusing on what was in front of me

"watch out" a yorkshire accent said

i groaned knowing exactly who it was, here i was saying i'd stay far away from her and not let her ruin my new chapter yet not even 10 minutes later i bump into her

"what are you doing walking around so early" kai asked

"could ask you the same thing" i said back

"what are you actually doing kai?" i added

"well i sorta stayed outside for the night, walked around for a little while and then the sun started to raise" kai shrugged

"what about that girl you were seeing last night?" i asked

"that was a lie, just said it to get out of the house and away from leah" kai shrugged

"why?" i asked softly

"nowt, doesn't matter" kai said stepping away from me

i grabbed her wrist before she could walk off

"come stay with me, you need some sleep" i said, pleading her with my eyes

she eventually gave in and we went back to mine, she slept on the sofa while i cooked us some food

"no" i heard her mumbled from the sofa, i stepped into the living room to see if she was awake

no she wasn't, so she was sleeping talking then?

she started to shake her head back and forth, face scrunching up

i walked over, sitting on the edge of the sofa

"kai" i said placing my hand on her cheek

she shot up out of breath, pushing herself away from me

"hey, hey, kai- your okay" i said trying to calm her down, placing my hand on her stomach

she slouched back into the sofa, calming down from her dream

"what happened kai" i asked softly as i watched her slowly relax

"it doesn't matter alessia" kai brushed me off

"look i need to go, leah will be worried" kai added, standing up and quickly finding her shoes and leaving before i could say bye

i slouched into the sofa, being able to smell her scent on the pillows.


"leah! i've been called in early to go to work!" i shouted as the message came through on my phone

"fuck already?" leah asked panicked as she walked into my room, watching me pack some of my essential before finding my military uniform

there was a knock on the door, i looked up at leah

"could you get that quickly?" i asked as i finished putting on my uniform

"kai can we-" alessia said as she walked into my bedroom

"why the fuck are you in that?" alessia asked shocked

"um- well- it's sorta my job" i mumbled

"and you didn't think to tell me?" alessia asked

"why would i tell you? all i did was fuck you alessia... we arnt dating" i said coldly

"that's what they meant when you'd be gone for weeks" alessia said as she thought out loud

"look alessia i need to go, we can talk about this after the world cup" i said as i lifted my bag up

"after the world cup!" alessia shouted, shocked it would be that long

"i'm sorry alessia but i need to go, i'll message you or something okay" i said panicked as i walked out of the room

her finding out about my job has made this shit show a hundred times worse.


bit rushed and started to get tired near the end of the chapter, not really happy with the ending but we will work with it !

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