chapter 13: leaving

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just before we headed off out on our mission we had been told that the community had put together a little thank you celebration night for the people who worked in the military.

it was a nice gesture and i would never turn down free food of course

the downside of it was the fact alessia couldn't come which cut some time off mine and her time before i went to work

i was currently sat with some of my friends from the army as we listened to a speech written by the leader of the whole party tonight

once she finished we all clapped our hands and made our way up onto the stage where we were handed flowers and thank you cards

we all got in a photo before going back to our respective tables

the room was hot, full of people, and it didn't make it any easier with the fact with had to wear our suit version of our uniform, the suit that only got used in special occasions... but i guess this is a special occasion

it was a green blazer with a different shade of green for the buttoned up top underneath the blazer as well as a green tie with the same colour as the blazer suit trousers.

this was what we'd wear if we were meeting the king or some high up person but our chief wanted us to look smart and all unite so this was the request

the celebration didn't last long as most were aware we had only got a few days before we were shipped off to a different part of the world to fight for england.

i was glad when it was over because it was too hot and i was getting slightly annoyed with everyone coming up, even though they meant well, congratulating us and saying their thank yous

since i hadn't drinked i was able to drive back home, alessia's home, where others had to get taxis back to either their houses or hotels.

i walked through the front door to alessia's house, putting the spare key in the key bowl and sighing, i could finally relax with alessia.

i walked down the hallway, looking into the living room and seeing her not their but with the tv on, i carried in walking to the kitchen seeing her stood by the stove cooking something

i walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and pushing my head into her neck, body relaxing against hers

"how was it?" she asked softly as she interlocked our hands around her waist

"tiring" i mumbled into her neck

she turned around causing me to pull my head away from her neck and look down at her

"shame, i had something in mind" alessia smirked as she started to unbutton my blazer

"oh yeah?" i teased back as i watched her take my blazer of my shoulders

she placed her hands on my chest, sliding them up and around the back of my neck

"mhm, unless you don't want to?" she said, slowly closing the gap between our lips

i teasing pulled back slightly, making her chase after my lips

"don't tease me kai" she moaned

"sorry dear" i said closing the gap between us

alessia closed the rest of the gap, finally connecting our lips

i sighed into the kiss, finally fully relaxing against her lips

i pulled away after a while, resting my forehead against hers

i felt alessia's hands move from the back of my neck to my buttoned shirt, slowly starting to undo the buttons to my top

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