Chapter 1

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"Give us a ring when you get in Haz!" The blonde, Irish boy, Niall yelled toward Harry as he entered the train. Harry turned to him one last time and gave him a smile before walking through the carriage to find his seat. He had finished his first year at Oxford University with average grades and was travelling back to his family home to visit his mum for the summer break. He knew the train ride would be long so he had planned to start reading the next semesters course materials so he could be prepared when he came back. As the train started moving, he waved goodbye to his friend, and roommate, Niall, who was travelling back home to Ireland for the break. Harry then settled into his seat and pulled out his phone to send his mum a message.

Harry: Hi mum, I just got on the train so I will see you in about 4 hours. Love you. H x

It wasn't long before he heard his phone chime.

Mum: I can't wait to see you, love. We'll meet you at the station. Xx

Harry smiled at his phone. He was very excited to see his family again. It had been 6 months since he last saw them at Christmas, but even that was only a short trip. This time, he gets to spend 6 whole weeks with his mum and his sister, Gemma in the countryside, away from the stresses of college and city life. He gazed out the window as the train trailed further way from the crowded stone buildings and busy streets and closer to beautiful fields of green. Before long he feels his eyelids getting heavy as the subtle swaying of the train carriage rocks him into a deep sleep.

As he awoke, the scenery outside of the train window had changed to quaint little villages and vast fields. Harry checked the time on his phone. He had slept for almost 3 hours and was almost there. He felt a smile creep onto his face as he grew more and more excited to arrive.

"Now stopping at Holmes Chapel station."

The announcement over the loudspeaker was crackly and loud. Harry quickly threw his coursework in his backpack and threw it over his shoulder before pulling his duffel bag out from under his seat. The train slowed as he made his way closer to the door. Quite a few people were getting off at this stop so there was a line forming at the doorway. The train stopped and Harry slowly made his way out of the train and was instantly greeted by his mum standing on the platform waiting for him. Her grin widened as she saw Harry step off the train, and she ran towards him to pull him in for a tight hug.

"I missed you. I missed you. I missed you." She said between kisses on Harry's check. "You've been gone for too long."

Harry held onto his mother for as long as he could before the broke apart and began walking to the car. Sitting inside was Gemma, who quickly swung open the car door and ran towards Harry, almost knocking him over as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I'm really happy you're home." She sighs, burying her head into Harry's neck.

Although Gemma was a few years older than her little brother, the two acted as if they were twins. As children, they were almost inseparable, up until Gemma left for college and Harry's world split in two. They did still have a rare argument or fight, but they were always over really stupid things and would usually end in Harry apologising to Gemma because she was right.

"So, since I know you both so well," Harry shrugged as they got in the car, "what have you two planned for my stay?"

Both his sister and his mum burst into a fit of laughter as they began to drive to Harry's childhood home. They were known to plan all sorts of adventures for the family to do when Harry came home. On his last visit, they had surprised him with a trip to the karaoke bar where they all definitely made a fool of themselves.

"Well, not much actually." Anne, Harry's mum stated quietly. "We thought you'd want to have some time to yourself, but we still have a surprise for you tonight." She said with a small grin. Gemma giggled quietly and Harry instantly felt nervous.

"You know I don't like surprises Mum. What is it?" He asked quizzingly.

"You'll just have to wait and see." She said as they pulled into the driveway. "Now get inside and have a shower. We need to leave in an hour, and wear something nice."

He shot a puzzled look at Gemma who just shook her head and pretended to zip up her mouth. He then got his bags out of the car and headed up to his old bedroom. Nothing had changed since he had last left. His mum always left his room untouched as she wanted something to remember him by when he was off at college. Gemma once told him that their mum would sometimes fall asleep in his room when she missed him which was incredibly sweet.

Harry quickly unpacked his bags before heading to the bathroom for a shower. The warm water cascading off his body felt refreshing, especially after 4 hours in a train. The familiar scent of his childhood spread through the room with the same shampoo he would use when he was younger. It was good to be home, Harry thought to himself as he washed his soapy hair. Once he had finished, he quickly styled his curly hair in the foggy mirror before heading back to his room to find an outfit.

"Wear something nice?" He mumbled to himself as he shuffled through his clothes, landing on a pair of black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a loose silky shirt, buttoned only halfway showing off the tattoos on his torso, and a pair of brown boots.

He quickly pulled out his phone to text Niall.

Harry: Hey Ni, I made it. Mums got a surprise for me so I'll call you later. H x

He shoved his phone back into his pocket and walked downstairs to the kitchen. As he walked down the hallway, he could hear his mum and Gemma talking softly. Harry hid behind the wall and secretly listened into their conversation.

"Do you think they'll remember each other?" He heard Gemma ask their mum.

"They were inseparable, of course they'll remember each other." Anne replied as she saw Harry walk into the room. "There you are! You look great. Ready to go?"

Harry just nodded, still unsure of where they were going. He was tired after the long train ride and was hoping he could just sleep, but this surprise clearly meant a lot to his mum, so he went along with it. The three hopped in the car and started driving.

Harry looked out the window at the familiar scenery of his hometown. He was happy to be home.

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