Chapter 7

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*1 week later*

"Niall!" Harry exclaimed as he opened the door to Niall, the two boys embracing each other in a hug.

"Missed ya mate!" Niall exclaimed as he dropped his bags. "So, what time's the party?"

"It starts at 6 so we've got a couple of hours to kill before we have to start getting ready." Harry replied.

"Sweet, I'm starving. Lunch?" Harry laughed at Niall. He was always hungry. Harry got his phone, wallet, and keys as they headed out to a local diner. They both ate their cheeseburgers whilst chatting about the events of the past week, and Niall begging Harry to fill him in on the Louis situation.

"So, you've loved this guy since you were what? 8 years old?" Niall said through a mouth of food.

"I mean, I had a crush on him when I was like 11, but it doesn't really count." Harry blushed as he was recounting the friendship he and Louis used to have. He started feeling sad again, especially since he would have to see Louis again tonight. He had managed to avoid the boy all week and Harry was starting to forget the heartbreak he felt when he saw Louis with another girl. Whenever Harry dreamed of reuniting with Louis, it always involved the two confessing their love for each other and living happily ever after – yet the complete opposite happened.

"So, when did you realise you loved him?" Niall giggled back.

"I have loved him since I was 16." Harry said quietly. "I decided to unblock his Instagram because I missed looking at his face."

"Yuck." Niall interrupted. "Continue."

"He was so beautiful Niall, I literally felt myself fall in love with him." A frown came to Harry's face. "Then, I saw a picture of him and this girl kissing, and I cried. He didn't like me back and I was jealous. That's why it was so hard the other day when he was with that girl."

"Have you told him any of this?" Niall asked.

"No" Harry mumbled.

"Well maybe you should tell him tonight." Niall said cheerfully. "Ok. Let's go get ready for this party!" 

The pair made their way back to Harry's house and got dressed. Niall wore a blue and white striped button up with a white tank top underneath, and white pants and white adidas shoes. He styled his brown hair up with a little bit of gel.

Harry wore a denim wash button up shirt, only buttoned half way, a pair of black skinny jeans and some dark brown boots. He also put on a brown fedora like hat.

"Here, I got us both a beer. Calm ya nerves." Niall said, handing Harry the beer.

"Thanks. Let's get this over with." Harry sighed as they made their way to Lottie's party.

The music was so loud, it could be heard from the street. There were a lot of people here, most of them from Lottie's school. It wasn't long before entering the house that Harry spotted Louis sitting in the lounge with Eleanor on his lap. 

Harry turned to Niall, "That's Louis." Gesturing towards the couch. It was at that moment that Louis had noticed Harry had walked in, with another boy. Louis quickly pushed the girl from his lap and went over to the two boys.

"Harry!" He cheered, opening his arms to wrap around Harry. The taller boy stiffened at the touch, not returning the hug. Louis coughed awkwardly, "and you are?"

"Oh hi, I'm Niall." The Irish boy introduced himself. "Harry and I live together."

Niall and Harry giggled at the joke which Louis didn't find very funny. Harry noticed Louis' eyes turn a deeper shade of blue and could almost see steam coming from the boys ears.

"We were assigned the same dorm room on day one of uni and now I can't get rid of him." Harry laughed awkwardly, trying to diffuse whatever what happening with Louis.

Two other boys had come up from behind Louis on the couches. 

"Don't be rude, Lewis, introduce us to your pretty friends." The taller man with dark hair and tattoos nudged Louis in the side.

"Oh sorry, Harry, Niall, these are my friends from Doncaster, Liam and Zayn." Louis replied.

Harry was in awe of how beautiful Zayn is. He immediately reached out his hand to the mysterious boy, "nice to meet you Zayn." He said flirtatiously. From the corner of his eye, he could see Louis glaring at Zayn. Zayn looked back to Louis and pointed back at Eleanor on the couch. Louis left in a huff while Zayn wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder. 

"Can I get you a drink?" Zayn said to which Harry nodded in agreement. Liam and Niall hit it off instantly and were too wrapped up in a conversation to notice the two were gone. Zayn poured himself and Harry a cup of straight tequila. Harry thought it was a bad idea but went along with it anyway. It was summer break, and he's already had his heart broken. What's the worst that could happen?

The two went out to the backyard and sat by the fire.

"So, tell me about yourself, Harry." Zayn whispered as he inches closer to Harry. This made him feel a bit uncomfortable because he just met Zayn and he was already trying to get in his pants. 

At least Zayn wants me Harry thought to himself. "Um, my names Harry Styles, I'm 19. I'm studying psychology at Oxford and yeah." He rambled. "So how did you meet Louis?"

He regretted saying that the second it came from his mouth. He always found a way to be thinking about Louis, it was like an obsession and it needed to stop.

"He had just moved to my school and he looked like an absolute wreck. He had come up to me at lunch and asked if I knew anyone who could get him drugs, so I sold him some weed and offered to get high with him." Zayn reminisced, "good times."

"Oh you're a drug dealer?" Harry questioned.

"Well not by trade, I just did it in high school to get some cash to buy more drugs." Zayn noticed the concerned look on Harry's face as he was talking. "But that was quite a few years ago, I've matured a lot since then."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief though he wasn't entirely convinced. "You have a really nice face by the way" He didn't realise he had finished his drink a lot quicker than he expected and was a little bit tipsy.

"So do you" Zayn replied, inching closer to Harry, looking between his eyes and his lips.

"Oh, my drink is empty. I better go get another one. You want anything." Harry stood up awkwardly. He found Zayn attractive but he didn't really want to kiss someone he just met. Zayn shook his head so Harry wandered inside to get another drink. He ran into Niall in the kitchen who was being extra friendly with Liam. Harry thought they looked cute together. He liked the way Liam always laughed at Niall's jokes, even the bad ones.

On his way back outside to Zayn, he noticed Louis hovering over Zayn in a threatening way. "I don't know what the fuck you think you're doing Malik but I wouldn't if I were you." He heard Louis mutter angrily in Zayn's face. Louis let go of Zayn's shirt and stormed back inside, not noticing Harry had witnessed the exchange.

"What was that all about." Harry asked as he sat back next to Zayn. Zayn put his strong arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Nothing for you to worry about." He smiled. "Now, where were we?"

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