Chapter 14

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*the next day*

"You were out late." Harry's mum said as Harry walked into the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Yeah I was out with Louis." Harry replied.

"Ooh so you two made up then?" Gemma cooed with a mouth full of toast. 

"You two were fighting?" Anne replied firmly, completely unaware of the situation. 

"It's a really long story, Mum." Harry said, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. "He actually asked me to be his boyfriend."

"What?" Gemma exclaimed. "Bro he was such an asshole what the fuck!"

"Language Gemma." Anne stated firmly. "Now can someone please tell me what is going on?" 

"I've really liked Louis since we were kids." Harry started.

"I figured that." Anne laughed. "But why is Gemma so mad about this."

"Mum, Louis was a dick to him." She exclaimed in response.

"Nonsense, Gemma." Anne exhaled. "Harry, what happened?"

He explained the entire situation to his mum and sister, Gemma not knowing the whole story. He opened up about the heartbreak and how he felt angry. He didn't mention the happenings at the bar, his mum didn't need to know that much, but he told them enough for them to support his decision.

"Well then, you must invite him for dinner tonight. I'm making spaghetti, I used to make it all the time when you were kids." Anne smiled, rushing back to the kitchen. Harry took out his phone to text his boyfriend.

H: Hey boyfriend ;) Mum has invited you for dinner, she pried it out of me. H x

Almost a second later he got a response.

L: boyfriend, I like that. 

L: tell Anne I can't wait, I'll be there at 4. 


Harry spent most of his day tidying his room to make sure everything was perfect for when Louis arrived. His room had changed a lot since Louis had last been there, and it was definitely far from what Harry wanted it to look like. 

His walls were lined with band posters and shelves were stacked with CDs and trinkets he thought were cool when he was in high school. His mum had left his room untouched when he went to college so there were still some embarrassing things from his most awkward stages in life.

The one thing that had remained the same after all these years was a picture of Harry and Louis together from right before Louis left. It was from Harry's birthday. Everyone had just sang Happy Birthday and as Harry blew out the candles, Louis shoved his head straight into the cake. In retaliation, Harry picked up and chunk and smooshed it into Louis' cheek. In the photo, the two boys were covered in cake, laughing as if they were the only two people in the room. It was Harry's favourite picture of the pair.

Not long later, Louis had arrived and Harry felt nervous, but he didn't know why.

"Hiya love, I missed you." Louis kissed Harry on the cheek.

"Louis Tomlinson, how dare you ask my son out without my permission." Anne said sarcastically as she came around the corner.

Louis smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "I take it you approve?"

"Of course dear, you should have heard him when you left. He wouldn't shut up about you." Harry blushed at his mum's comment.

"Mum." He breathed.

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