Chapter 15

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Over the next few days, Harry and Louis went on many adventures together. They had called both Niall and Liam about their relationship in preparation for telling Louis' family. Their two friends were both incredibly happy for the boys. 

Niall and Liam had planned to meet up before college went back so Harry and Louis were certain they were going to be a couple soon too.

The next person they told was Lottie. Louis knew she would be supportive as she had been an open Larry shipper since she was a child. Harry, Louis, Gemma, and Lottie had gone out for lunch at a local diner. When the pair announced their news to Louis' sister, she couldn't not be any more joyous for them. 

Later that night, Harry received a text from Louis.

L: I think I want to tell my mum tomorrow. Come over for lunch?

H: Of course. H x

L: See you tomorrow x


The next day, Harry arrived at Louis' house for lunch. Jay greeted him at the door.

"Harry, I'm so glad you could make it for lunch." She smiled, pulling the boy in for a hug. 

"Is Louis around?" Harry questioned. He thought his boyfriend would have been waiting for him, and Louis also hadn't responded to his messages for a few hours.

"He isn't, actually. He got a bit angry this morning and stormed off." Jay sighed. "I'm sure he'll be back soon, he knew you were coming."

Harry waited in the kitchen, chatting with Jay, but Louis had still not appeared.

H: Lou, I'm at your place. Where are you?

H: Is everything okay? Your mum said you were angry.

H: Where are you?

Harry was starting to get concerned about his boyfriend.

"I'm going to see if I can find Louis. Tell him to ring me if he comes home." He said, walking out of the house.

He stood outside, thought for a moment and realised where Louis was. He walked down to the clearing Louis had taken him to on the night they became official.

As he walked closer, he could see Louis. The boy was wearing a very smart green sweater and Harry felt butterflies in his tummy at the thought of Louis dressing up to tell his family. He then noticed Louis' puffy eyes. The boy had been crying.

"Lou, what's wrong?" Harry startled Louis with his words.

"How did you find me?" Louis whispered as his voice cracked from the tears.

"You said you come here to look at the stars when things are bad at home, and your mum said you were angry so I don't see why you wouldn't come here in the day too." Harry said softly, sitting carefully next to Louis as to not scare him away.

Louis pounced onto Harry, latching onto the boy's torso. He started to sob uncontrollably as Harry wrapped his arms around the boy.

"Did something happen?" Harry whispered as the boy calmed slightly.

"Um, I-uh, Mum told me," Louis stuttered as tears still fell from his eyes. "My stepdad got out on bail."

"He won't come here, and if he does, I'll keep you safe, we can fight back. It's you and me together." Harry said, "and we have so much support already and were telling your mum anyway. There's nothing to worry about."

"I don't know what she's going to say. This changes things Haz." Louis said quietly.

"You don't know unless you try."

"But what if she's kicks me out?" Louis started to cry again.

"She won't, but then you can come and live with me." Harry convinced him. He knew Jay would support them whole heartedly, he just needed Louis to believe it.

"Ok." Louis said, drying his eyes and standing up. "Let's just do it."

The pair walked hand in hand back to Louis' house where his mum was waiting with lunch ready.

"About time." She laughed sarcastically as she opened the door. Harry thought she was referring to how long they had been gone, but in fact she was looking at the two holding hands. Neither of the boys realised they hadn't let each other go and their faces blushed bright red.

"Um, Mum. Harry is my boyfriend." Louis muttered quietly, not making eye contact with his mother in fear of disapproval.

Her face lit up instantly and she pulled them both in for a hug. "I'm so happy for you both. And Louis, I'm so proud of you."

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