Chapter 17

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"Harry, you need to wake up."


Gemma shoved Harry off of his bed, waking him up instantly. It was only 4am and the sun had barely risen.

"What the fuck, Gem." Harry wiped his eyes groggily.

"Louis' in the hospital, we need to go." Gemma said in a rush, pulling clothes out of Harry's cupboard. His heart sank in his chest as the panic set in.

"Why? What happened? Is he okay?" Harry questioned frantically as he pulled on a T-shirt and some sweatpants. 

"I don't know, Lottie just called and said to get there." Gemma said, trying to stay calm. 

The two ran out of the house to the car, Gemma speeding down the motorway to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. Neither of them knew what had happened, and Harry could only imagine the worst. 

Tears started to pool in his eyes as they parked the car and ran towards the emergency department. In the waiting room was Jay and Lottie. Both of their eyes were bloodshot and puffy from the lack of sleep and tears.

"Is he ok? Where is he?" Harry anxiously asked Louis' mum.

"Sit down love, he's in surgery." Jay said quietly, wiping the tears in her cheeks.

"He came back Haz, he saw you and Lou kiss last night. He was so angry." Lottie sobbed as she recalled the events. Gemma wrapped her arm around the young girl and pulled her in for a soothing hug.

"Who?" Harry asked Jay.

"I don't know if Louis told you, but my ex got out of jail. He came to find us." Jay dropped her head in guilt. "He wanted to see the girls, I shouldn't have let him in, I'm so sorry."

"What did he do to Lou?" Harry was fuming. How dare this man come in and hurt Louis.

"Tomlinson?" The nurse yelled out over the crowded waiting room.

Jay and Harry rushed up to the woman, Lottie and Gemma trailing behind,

"I'm Louis' mum, this is his boyfriend. Is he okay?" Jay was shaking so Harry held onto her hand in support. 

"He's still in surgery, it'll be another couple of hours before you can see him, but he's stable." The nurse smiled sympathetically. "The rotator cuff in his shoulder was damaged quite severely, and his arm is broken in two places, but the surgery is going well and it's likely he will make a full recovery."

The group returned to their seats and Harry couldn't help but cry. "How did this happen?"

"When you guys got home last night, he saw you and Louis kiss in the driveway. When Lou came inside, he waited for the girls to go to sleep and then slammed him into the wall, punching him any chance he got. I called the police but he ran out of the house before they came, we rushed Louis here." Jay said sadly.

Harry turned red in anger, clenching his fists as he heard what the man did. "I need some fresh air, call me when he's out of surgery?" 

Harry left the hospital and just kept walking. He didn't know where to go, his thoughts were racing at a hundred miles an hour and he needed to calm down. He couldn't let Louis' family see how angry he was.

He walked past a grocery store and decided to go in to buy Louis some snacks to help him feel better while he is in the hospital. He picked up some of his boyfriend's favourite chips, sweets and chocolate, and got him a card that said 'Get Well Soon'. He went to the counter to pay for his items and walked out into the car park to make his way back to the hospital.

As he walked out the doors, he saw him, Louis' stepdad. 

"Hey asshole!" He screamed out, his eyes darkening as he stalked closer to the man. A few people turned around when they heard him yell, but kept on walking as they didn't want to be involved.

"Oh look, it's the little faggot that made my stepson a little girl." The man said sarcastically when he noticed Harry.

Harry lunged over, grabbing the man's shirt and pulling him closer.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Harry was seething.

"Let go of me." The man said, trying to push Harry away. "I don't want you to turn me into a fag too."

At that point, Harry lost it. He threw his closed fist into the man's jaw. The man stumbled back, holding his hand against his face. 

"I guess you heard what I did to your little boyfriend. I'm more than happy to do the same to you." The man laughed as he turned to punch Harry in the stomach. The taller boy winced slightly, the pain just made him angrier.

Harry screamed as he tackled the man to the ground, throwing repeated punches into the man's face. His was caught off guard when the man stopped the boy's wrist and pulled himself back on top of Harry, punching him in the eye.

"You're fucking gonna pay for that." The man sniggered through gritted teeth.

He punched Harry again in the jaw before getting up to the leave the helpless boy on the ground. He laughed as he walked towards his car, turning his back to Harry in victory.

Harry, however, didn't not want to accept defeat. He quietly got up and dusted himself off before launching himself onto the man's back, holding him in a headlock.

"You fucking touch Louis again and I'll fucking kill you." Harry raged into the man's ear, gripping him tighter and tighter around the neck. The man's elbow collided with Harry's rib cage, forcing him undo the headlock. 

"I'd like to see you try." The man laughed at Harry.

It was as if the anger had completely taken over Harry and he had lost all control of his thoughts. He cocked his arm back and threw a really hard punch into the side of the man's face, making him lose balance and face plant into the side of the car. The man looked back at Harry in shock, realising that Harry wasn't playing any games and he really was going to kill him. 

"You stay the fuck away from that family or so help me God, I will fucking find you. I will make sure your life is a living fucking hell." Harry breathed before turning away, leaving the man feeling defeated.

Harry picked up his bag of groceries and began making his way back to the hospital. His face was hurting but he didn't care. He won the fight. Louis' stepdad wouldn't mess with them anymore.

He checked his phone. He had 5 missed calls from his sister.

G: Why aren't you answering your phone? Louis is out of surgery. He wants to see you.

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