Chapter 12

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Lou: I'm sorry x

Niall: Hey I won't be home tonight, staying with Liam. See you tomorrow.

Lou: Please Haz I need to talk to you

Lou: I can explain

Lou: Harry please

As Harry woke up, an influx of messages came piling through on his phone. The sound of the notifications were making his already pounding head worse. He shouldn't have drank that much tequila. He ignored all of Louis' messages and replied to Niall.

Harry: Sounds like someone had fun ;) H x

He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom for a shower. His mind felt numb after last night's events in the bathroom with Louis. He didn't understand why the boy kept leading him on. He felt like Louis was using him and his feelings to gain some form of satisfaction in his fucked up life. He didn't understand why the boy said he loved him when he just kept hurting the tall boy.

He hopped out of the shower and put on a T-shirt and some grey sweatpants and made his way to the lounge room. His mum and sister were out visiting Harry's nan, so he curled onto the couch and put on the sappiest romance movie he could find.

Around half an hour into the movie, there was a knock at the front door. Harry jumped up excitedly, expecting Niall to have returned - the Irish boy was meant to be going home later today. As he opened the door, he saw Louis.

Louis looked broken, as if he had spent the whole night crying. Harry couldn't look at the boy, his heart was hurting, so without saying anything, he went to close the door. Louis pushed his hand against it, keeping it open.

"Harry please, you weren't replying to my texts, I didn't know what else to do." Louis said sadly.

"Probably cause I don't want to talk to you." Harry said monotonously.

"Haz, I can explain. Please just- can I come in?" He begged. Harry wanted to let him in. He wanted to forgive the boy but he knew he would just be hurt yet again.

"No Louis, you need to leave." Just as Louis turned away in defeat, Niall began to walk up the driveway with an ear to ear smirk.

"Hey Louis." He nodded as he walked past, coming up to Harry and giving him a look.

"No Niall, it's not like that." Harry sighed. "You on the other hand, I can practically smell the sex coming from you."

Niall giggled as they went inside and shared stories from the night before.

"So what was Louis doing here that early in the morning?" Niall asked, confused about what he walked into.

"I wasn't replying to his texts." Harry said matter of factly. "He wanted to apologise but I didn't accept it. I'm sick of his shit really. He can't keep using me then running back to his girlfriend. I'm not a toy."

"Harry, Louis and Eleanor broke up." Niall said quietly.

"No they didn't, Niall. They were together last night. She was all over him." Harry turned away, not believing a word coming from Niall's mouth.

"No Harry, after you went off to dance, Louis got really moody and kept pushing her away from him." Niall was reenacting the situation for Harry, imitating each of the voices.

"Why do you keep pushing me away? What's your problem?" Eleanor said angry.

"I'm gay, it's pretty unfortunate isn't it Eleanor." Louis muttered.

"What do you mean you're gay?" Eleanor asked, her heart breaking as Louis spoke.

"Oh just fuck off Eleanor." Louis replied harshly.

"And then he got up and walked away, which I assume was to come and find you. Eleanor ran out of the pub crying." Niall finished.

"So he broke up with her and then came and kissed me. I really don't understand how all of this happened." Harry buried his head in his hands, not knowing what to do.

"Mate, I think you should go see him. It's obvious you both like each other a lot. I mean he was practically undressing you with his eyes all night." Niall winked. "Anyway, I'm leaving and you've got nothing better to do. Sappy rom-coms aren't going to help you."

Harry giggled. Niall was right. 

Niall had gone upstairs to pack the rest of his bags, his train left in an hour. Harry pulled out his phone and dialled Louis.

"Harry?" Louis answered.

"You broke up with her?" Harry choked. He was still feeling a lot of animosity and sadness towards the boy.

"Uh, yeah. Look, I need to see you. Please Harry." Louis begged. 

Harry hesitated, he didn't want to be hurt for the hundredth time this week.

"Niall leaves in an hour. I'll meet you at the bridge." He said abruptly, hanging up on Louis before the boy had a chance to reply.


Harry walked with Niall to the train station and they pair said their goodbyes.

"I'll see ya in a few weeks." Niall waved, "give him a chance Haz, please just try."

Harry nodded as he waved at Niall entering the train. He took a deep breath and started to make his way to the bridge, hoping that Louis just didn't show up.

As he got closer, he saw Louis. The boy looked disheveled, as if his entire world had been falling apart. Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for the boy's sad expression.

"Harry, please let me explain." Louis begged.

"No. I'm going first." Harry snapped. "When you left, it was as if my world was split in two. You didn't need even say goodbye, you just left."

Louis tried to interject. 

"Just listen." Harry interrupted. "I know now you didn't have much of a choice, but at the time, I thought I had done something to hurt you. I really liked you Louis, and you couldn't even send me a happy birthday message."

Harry sighed. "Then when I stalked your Instagram and I saw how you had moved on with new friends and you were kissing girls, when I was at home and my life had fallen apart. It destroyed me Louis."

Louis was saddened at the realisation of Harry's pain.

"I finally started to move on when I started at Oxford. I was thinking about you a little less every day. Then, I come home and see you and all of the feelings and memories came rushing back and I was really hoping the same would happen to you and we would just continue where we left off, but it didn't, and instead you lead me on and broke me down, again and again. I just don't know what to do."

There were tears forming in Harry's  eyes but he pushed them back down.

"I didn't realise how much I hurt you." Louis looked down at his feet. "Harry I've liked you for a really long time. I've loved you for a really long time. I just had to hide so much of me to avoid being hurt myself and you were hurt in the process. I had to conform to protect myself and I guess I had been doing it for so long that I forgot who I was, but I realised last night that I need you and I don't want to see you with anyone else. I don't want to be with anyone else but you, Harry."

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