1, Daytime!,7:10am

69 2 0

No intro time for a no background plunge!
-Ezy : A/N

Tommy sits holding his head and he sits back starring out the window of the cafe he owned. "Ugggg, I have to open soon.." Tommy groaned as he slowly got up yawning a bit.

He slowly goes over into the kitchen bring out the pre made things. He slowly got ready then flipped the sign to open. He sat at the counter, he didn't expect many he just opened today..

2 days earlier

Tommy stared at his soon going to be open, cafe as he mumbled, "So it's a neutral zone..." he groaned as he walked in putting up his new made sign. It had the words "This is a neutral zone for villains, vigilantes, and hero's, NO FIGHTING!"

A man walks in the bell chiming as he walking in. Tommy looks up to see, a chocolate haired, guy with a yellow sweater and round eye glasses.

Tommy puts on his best smile saying, "Welcome what do you want?" The man responds with a hum as he looks at the menu, then says "I'll have the straight black coffee with a chocolate croissant?" Tommy nods going to get it prepared saying "what's the name?" "I'm Wilbur!"the man responds. Tommy giggles saying "who named you that the name is horrible!?" "Hey! It's not that bad!" Wilbur pouts pointedly as his order was finished. "Anyway I heard this was a neutral cafe is that true?" Wilbur says cutting the awkward silence. "Yeah and don't fight!" Tommy growls trying to seek scary. Wilbur looks at him deadpan "how are you going to stop fighting." "Im a strong big man I can!" Tommy huffs crossing his arms.

"Haha are you so sure?" Wilbur reply's trying to seem playful. "Yes I h- t..took classes." Tommy say fumbling a bit almost slipping. Wilbur narrows his eyes but ignores it saying "sure sure like you can beat hero's." Wilbur say sarcastically.

"Just you wait big man" Tommy retorts huffing. "Okay I have some villain friends I can send here." Wilbur says smiling with poison. "can't say no to new customers" Tommy says shrugging. Wilbur looks shocked he saw the sign he never expected it to be true.

"Okay.." Wilbur says slowly. "Yeah let them over I'm open from 3am to 1pm." Tommy replies shrugging. "3am?!"Wilbur says surprised. "Yeah big man, hero's and villain's also villain's are a lot of the time awake then." Tommy replies non-cholant. "Okay your actually serious. Well I will recommend some of my villain friends." Wilbur replies as he finishes his food and drink. "Also your coffee is awesome." Then Wilbur walks out the door walking off.
2 hours later

Tommy sits on his phone, he had gotten a another customer since Wilbur but he was boring. The bell chimes and two teen come in chatting. The first teen had dark hazelish hair with a white shirt a ting bee in the top corner and dark ripped jeans. The second teen had black hair, and his right eye was green and his left eye was a brownish red. "Hey, I'm Tubbo I heard this place was new!" The kid with the white shirt says. "Hi, I'm Tommy what would you like to order?" "Oh let us think a minute, also this is Ranboo." Tubbo says. Tommy nods a bit as he puts his phone away. "Okay we have our orders! I'll have just a honey muffin." Tubbo says then looking to Ranboo. "I..I'll have a single beignet." Ranboo says fidgeting with his fingers a bit.

"In the go or?" Tommy says. "Stay here we're having a quick walk and want a rest a bit." Tubbo says smiling. "Okay give me a second then.." Tommy says.

Tommy grabs some gloves as he takes a plate and opens two compartments getting the two pastries out; As the teens sit at a table chatting. Tommy finishes and brings two plates over saying "here's your food." In his most polite business voice. "Thanks Tommy!" Tubbo replies quickly taking his muffin. Tommy walks off not replying as he goes to his seat behind the counter.
Sorry it was short. Also my spelling and grammar were bad sorry. Then also I'm making this on the dot sorry if it's confusing...

-Ezy : A/N

Making Coffee isn't my only talent.|A tommyinnt vigilante, barista fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now