11, Daytime, 4:56

26 0 2


Tommy sits at the counter thinking about the encounter he just had with the weird girl named Snowii. He sighs and then goes back to his phone, and time flys by as he scrolls.

Eventually the clock hits 7 and nobody else came. But a few minutes later that's jinxed when the door chimes. Tommy looks up to see Niki and.. Miki?!? He tried to hide his shock as the duo enter. "Hey! Niki and.." Tommy says as if he didn't know her name. "Miki! We're twins by the way she just dyed her hair to get out of the match!" Miki supplies elbowing her sister.

Niki pouts saying "I just like pink gosh, anyway I'll have the same as yesterday!" Miki looks at Niki smirking as she says "I'll have what she wants! I match her with everything except hair, just to get back at her!" With a smirk on her face. Niki rolls her eyes annoyed as they start to argue a bit. Tommy just ignores them and gets the orders ready.

When he finishes he, stops there argument giving them there orders, as he says "Here's your orders and can you stop arguing!" Tommy complains as he sets the orders in front of them. "Fine!" Miki says crossing her arms. Niki shrugs taking her order and starting to eat.

Tommy sighs a bit, as he goes back to his phone. After a while the twins leave saying goodbye, to him and chatting away as they leave. He sits for a while until a while later when a ring is heard from a bell.

Tommy looks up to see a familiar customer, a chocolate haired man with glasses wearing a light yellow sweater. "Hey welcome, what would ya like?" Tommy says using a bit of an accent out of boredom. "Same as last time!" Wilbur says smiling. "Weird ass order" Tommy mumbles but gets the order ready anyway.

"It's not that weird croissants are good!" Wilbur says trying to defend himself. "With coffee?" Tommy questions as he starts making the coffee for the order. Wilbur pouts as he rolls his eyes saying "Well coffee is good and so are croissants!" Tommy looks at him dead pan "together?" He questions.

Wilbur rolls his eyes as Tommy finish's the order and giving it to Wilbur. Wilbur just walks off a bit annoyed at Tommy after the small argument, Tommy rolls his eyes mumbling "Child." Wilbur hears it and screams back as he walks away "your the actual child here!!" Wilbur then runs away fast as Tommy gets out his phone scrolls as usual.

:D I'm on a eleven hour drive. Please kill me. I'm so bored I had to chug this out like aghhhh!

-Ezy : A/N

Making Coffee isn't my only talent.|A tommyinnt vigilante, barista fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now