3,Daytime, 2:30am

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Tommy yawns as he sits up from his bed. "Gosh what's the time.." Tommy looks to his alarm clack that says 2:30 am, Tommy blink's then curses. "F#ck I need to get ready I open at 3!"

Tommy quickly gets ready in his house, the floor above his shop. He quickly races down the stairs into the back rooms going to the door. He quickly flipping the sign open. It was 3:05 but that's fine it's not 4. Tommy sits down all the lights on as he sits.
Over with the "Crow Father, Main leader of the syndicate"

Philza was sitting on a ledge, his wings unfurled as, he sits yawning. He has no plans but he went flying because, why not. He was sitting in a poorer district, it was near where he thinks a new vigilante patrols but he hadn't seen him so far.

Suddenly he saw a light go on across the street. This was the spot for stores yeah but it's.. 3:05. Philza quietly flys to the floor, scanning the store then sees the sign.

Neutral Zone, All Villains, Vigilantes, and Hero's allowed. NO FIGHTING!

Philza stared dumbfounded, he had never seen a neutral zone, when ever one was made it would be super unsuccessful and it would go crazy.

Philza shrugging walked in to see a blond teen with eye bags looking up meeting his eyes. The boys eyes went wide.
Tommy POV

The f#ck was THE crow father doing here?!?!? Why did he have to have him right after opening.

Suddenly the older says "Hey mate know me?" I looks at him dead pan "Pfft of course I do your THE Crow Father. Leader of the syndicate, one of the biggest villain organizations."

"Yeah heard this was a neutral zone you know how those end up right?" The older counters a bit worried for the kid.
"Yes, yes old man I do but I know how to fight." I reply a bit annoyed.

"Okay fight me." Crow guy says as he stands tilting his head. I look at him groaning saying "Fine only because you asked!" I scan him for a second.
Phil POV

I see him scan me, up and down his eye looking for weak points, as if looking for a melee fight. He would be dum to do so his feathers could easily cut hi-.

Suddenly he hears a small click, and before he can react a small dart hits his back. I feel dizzy then fall as I yank out the dart.
Tommy POV

I scan him as I slowly use a remote under the table to aim a dart at his back. I then shot him in the back. He stagers forward yanking out the dart as he falls.

"Yup, there in melee no one could beat you dummy." I remark smirking a bit. But the I relize I just knocked out the 1 villain.... "F#ck..." I say as I rush to under the desk grabbing out a needle, and dipping it in some liquid.

I then quickly rush to him stabbing him a bit in the back near where the dart was.

Phil slowly gets up groaning. "Nice job mate but what's the time" Phil says trying to seem calm. Even though he feels dizzy and a bit tired. "It's 3:15 you woke up early because of the antidote I gave you." Tommy says as he sits behind the counter a loilpop in his mouth. Phil sits up from the plush couch of a bench, saying "Well nice job, kid you knew you couldn't beat me in melee and distracted me." Phil says smiling. "No problem, just my shop helped me also want some food I used a dart on you, no buy something!" Tommy says putting his phone down a smirk on his face.
Okay sorry but like omg this would be so long if I did the whole day, soooo
T-T. Anyway hoped you like it, even tho Tommy is so nice I'm trying to make him snarky but like, it's hard!!!

-Ezy : A/N

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