6,Daytime,SBI household,7:30

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The whole of the SBI family sits around the table eating breakfast. "Did you guys here about the new neutral cafe round here?" Wilbur says trying to make conversation. "You mean the one that has the snarky kid?" Techno says his voice kind of mono. "Yeah how do you know, them?" Wilbur says tilting his head. "He gave me a good coffee... and he has a okay defense system... Phil... get better at dodging." Techno says giving Phil a pointed look.

"Hey mate all he did was knock me out for 10 minutes!" Phil says trying to put up an argument. "Wait it only lasts 10 minutes?" Techno says trying to gather information. "Yeah but he says he gave me an antidote"Phil says shrugging.

"So he has them some where, I never saw I was blacked out.. But his food is good" Phil says whispering last words. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?" Wilbur buts in confused. "Oh he has a mechanism, that shots sleeping darts, he apparently has an antidote, we don't know how long it lasts." Techno says filling Wilbur in. "HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS EARLIER?!?" Wilbur says concerned. "It wasn't that bad mate I just blacked out for a bit and nothing happened I even got some food." Phil says shrugging.

"You could have been turned in.." Wilbur says worry lacing his voice. "Mate it's a neutral cafe, also we know where it is now we can dodge it better." Phil says trying to lighten the mood. "Okay, okay still we're making you train more." Wilbur says

"Fine mate, if it makes you feel better." Phil responds
Sorry it was soooo short... I just couldn't fit a lot in, like... Just a short update on the SBI family. Back to Tommy POV next chapter!

-Ezy / A/N

P.S. I'm sick sorry I'm posting slowly.

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