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Tommy yawns as he grabs out his gear from the floor board he hid it under. He quickly slides his gear on, then opens his window hoping out onto the roof.

He hopped roof to roof quickly as he reaches the more abandoned part of town, he sits on a roof staring at the moon.

Nuke POV

I was just doing my normal vigilante runs right. Of course with Ender in an earpiece in case anything happened, that was dire. But I was hoping and I see the kinda new vigilante...

I don't know I don't pay attention to days okay! Anyway, they are just sitting on a ledge starting into the void of night. I slowly walk up... but of course I'm not stealthy enough so he snaps his head to me, oops. "Heyyy!" I say nervously... of course like this person took down on of the leaders, of the fuckin syndicate!

They interrupt my thoughts saying "Man you okay I know you as a vigilante actually I did some research!" Okay but for real isn't that a little creepy... wait no I do it all the time with others what am I thinking ugggg!

"Oh nice to know, you know me!" I say trying to keep non cholant (sorry if I spelt that wrong >; -Ezy :A/N).

"Mhm anyway why are you here?" The person says as they look back toward the void of the sky. Okay he might say this is just how he talks, but this is intimidating like gosh, he's doing it without trying. "Oh it's just on my patrol route." I say answering there question a little to slow.

"Oh cool I just came to chill." The person says staring into the void of sky as if answers to questions were there, definitely intimidating. "Well I've better get going have a nice time chilling!" I say starting to turn. "Have a good patrol then." Thesus responds still not looking at me.

I quickly run off after that still feeling intimated... But if he's like this imagine his civilian persona, I shiver. But to be honest the night flew by with taking down crime and no problems along the way... weird.


Tommy sighs as Nuke finally leaves him alone. His senses on high alert now he decides that he should do his actual job now. He sighs as he stands up stretching a bit.

Eventually he starts hopping towards his usual route. When he starts after a while a scream can be heard, Thesus quickly rushes over scanning the scen.

There is a bunny girl against a wall with purple hair similar to the girl he met a while back named Niki. The person seemingly robbing her is a man with horns and Orange eyes that glow the tiniest bit.

Thesus quickly jumps down landing on the man's head, knocking him out in an instant. He quickly gets up and off the man going to the girl. "Hey.. umm you good?" Thesus tries failing miserably. The woman giggles the tiniest bit, "Yeah now that he's... umm out!" The woman says fumbling a bit on her words.

"We'll want me to walk you home?" Thesus asks trying to seem nice and break the silence. "Hmm... sure I guess.. I'm Miki by the way!" She says getting up. "Well umm nice to meet you as you can probably tell I'm Thesus" the vigilante says.

They walk and talk a bit as they go to Miki's house. When they finally arrived Miki unlocks the door, and as she dose a familiar voice is heard mumbling. "Well thanks for walking me home Thesus bye." Miki smiles as he gives a good bye then runs off. She then enters her house to see Niki on a FaceTime with the syndicate.

Yay, kinda cliffhanger also tell me if I make any mistakes and sorry if I do :<. Well anyway hope you liked it!

- Ezy : A/N

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