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"Okay, mate give me a second" Phil says holding up his hands eyeing the tiny hidden dart gun. "Kay old man hurry up, and I won't dart you if you don't fight." Tommy says smiling with a hint of venom. "Kay, mate I won't." Phil says as he goes over to the menu looking it over.

"I'll have a vanilla latte, and a snickerdoodle cookie." Phil says smiling. "Okay welp weird combo but okay." Tommy replies going behind to all the (I have no idea how coffee works sorry) machines. After a few minutes of making coffee (!?!? The fudge am I doing), Tommy goes over to the villain setting down his order in front of him.

"There, old man here's your order." Tommy says crossing his arms. "I'm not old mate, also what's your name? I just don't want to keep calling you a CHILD.... Wait how do you own a sh-." (Sorry Phil nope no questions) "I'm not a CHILD! Also my name is Tom, but call me Tommy."Tommy says his Brian ignoring the last comment.
Yes I can bend the world also it was just funny.
-Ezy : A/N

Tommy sits in his chair watching, the villain leave his cafe. Tommy grabs his phone and stares "It's f#ckin, 4 am already!" Tommy sighs groaning as he just goes to tick-tok scrolling waiting for more customers...

1 hour later

Suddenly the bell chimes, and... Tommy chokes stareing. There was a tall figure with long pink hair in a braid, wearing a red cape with fluff covering the top his body coated in a light armor, and an axe on his back, a boar skull mask covering the top part of his face.

Tommy stares at the one and only blade?!? "H..hello?" Tommy says his voice shaking a bit. "Hey heard from Crow that this place was good." Techno says his voice seeming a bit modified even tho nothing was there that he could see. "That old man told you!?" Tommy says his surprise showing his snarky side again.

"Yup old man told me now what's so good?" Techno says, then his voices act up screaming DANGER! BEHIND, DART! Suddenly he tries to dodge but the dart hit beside where he was. "Wow I guess that old man was weaker than you." Tommy says smiling. "Well I have my resources." Techno replies on high alert as his voice go quite.

Then as he walks up to the menu he hears a voice saying Little Brother!!!
Techno sighs shaking his head mumbling "He's not my brother." Sighing Techno looks over the menu.

"I'll have a Frappuccino." Techno says, yawing. "Kay nothing else Blade?" Tommy says trying to keep the snarky out of his voice. "Nope I'm fine, also on the go please." Techno replies realizing he should get home. "Yup.." Tommy says as he walks off to the machines.

After some annoying machines and cups a Frappuccino is made. Tommy writes "For the Blade! No fighting even though you can dodge my darts I have other methods" Tommy snickers a bit as he hands the cup to Techno.

The voices explode with omg, pog child and not a threat, lastly Omg younger brother?!!? Techno sighs as he nods to Tommy walking out with his Frappuccino.
Omg the voices part is so awesome to write. Also to clear something up, Phil's wings are his power and same with technos voices. So yeah... Hoped you liked it also sorry it's always so short.

-Ezy : A/N

Making Coffee isn't my only talent.|A tommyinnt vigilante, barista fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now