7,Daytime, 7:40

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Tommy sits hand holding his head as he scrolls on his phone. Suddenly the door chimes, and Tommy looks up to see a black haired girl with a pink front highlight, she's wearing a soft pink sweater and black leggings with magenta shoes.
Niki POV

I was on my normal very early walk, I hate the bustle in the day. But in my walk I found a cafe, it was obviously new because I never saw it before and this is my normal route.(This is so bad. >; -Ezy : A/N)

Niki walks up to the counter and smiles at Tommy. "Hey Mamn, how can I help!" Tommy says in his customer voice. "Oh it's fine call me Niki!" She say smiling at him. "Okay Niki what would you like?" Tommy says thankful for the normal looking customer.

Niki hums, as she looks through the menu. "Umm can, I have the strawberry tea, with a biscuit!" Niki asks as she smiles to the boy. "Sure, one minute Niki!" Tommy says as he walks into the back.

Tommy comes out with the tea and a biscuit handing it to her. "Thanks, umm sorry what's your name?" Niki asks rubbing her neck. "The names Tommy!" He responds, trying to keep polite.

"Okay thanks Tommy!" Niki says as she walks to a booth sitting down.
Niki POV

I sit down in a booth taking a sip of the tea. The really good tea apparently, I should come here more. Honestly tho it seems like a nice place, I should tell the syndicate about it.

I sit and finish eating, pondering my thoughts as I eat and drink starring out the window as the sun rises in the sky. I get up as I finish my order. I wave goodbye too Tommy as I walk out the store.
Two hours later | No POV

Tommy sips his coffee as he checks the time as cars pass by. 9:52, Tommy sighs as he sips his coffee then yawns. "Gosh I should get more sleep" Tommy mumbles.

Suddenly a ding is heard as the door opens, and two familiar face pop in, chatting. "Hey.. Tubbo right?" Tommy asks tilting his head. "Yup, I'll have the same as yesterday!" Tubbo replies then looking to Ranboo. "M..Me Too!" Ranboo pipes up stumbling on his words. "Okay give me a sec." Tommy says getting everything ready.

Ranboo and Tubbo chat as he gets there food ready. Well- more like Tubbo rants to Ranboo. After a few minutes their food was ready. "Your foods done." Tommy says bluntly yawning a bit. "Thanks boss man!" Tubbo says as he gets all the food setting it down in a booth.

They chat as Tommy sips his coffee scrolling on his phone as the day goes by and the duo leave the shop. Eventually the day ends and he packs up the shop, leaving him to take a nap until nightfall.
Ello sorry I was out for a bit! I was sick sorry also this is my first book and I'm really bad at making Tommy sorry!

-Ezy :A/N

Making Coffee isn't my only talent.|A tommyinnt vigilante, barista fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now