2, Nightime,9:50pm

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Tommy POV

Okay he might be a vigilante rising to fame, in the underground; but all he did was almost take out a syndicate leader... Okay so fine he had reasons... Still Thesus the vigilante is now a big name, but thats expected for a big man like him.

Even though his gear is all made by him, he was able to make it pretty well. His gear consisted of a marron hoodie, that he stitched with reinforced lace, pants that are flexible and help with the cold, and boots with bottom grips he can activate to stick to things. Then his weapons were also made by him, he had a 3 knifes admittedly found and sharpened by him, one knife was in his boot and 2 on his belt. He then has a rod that the end can electrocute you, that is on his back.Then lastly he has 3 guns an old sniper on his back, on on his belt, and one on his thigh the last two are smaller guns.

Okay this outfit took him a year to find materials and make. But honestly for the bad ass outfit it was worth it.I put on my bad ass outfit ready to head out!
Sorry I'm horrible at POVs..
-Ezy : A/N

Tommy finishes getting on his outfit, then hopped onto the roof through the window. He sits on the ledge for a second stareing at the ground, before standing up and hopping to the next roof, quietly listening for people.

He dose a few loops before he hears a high pitched scream that gets cut off. Tommy freezes and scans the ally's near by. He finds a women on the ground knocked out with a man holding a knife looming over hill; The man crouch's down sneering. Tommy hops off the roof landing on the guys head knocking him out.

Tommy sighs mumbling "gosh she's knocked out I have to call myself." Tommy reaches into a pouch on his belt taking out a zip tie. He zip ties the Man, then slapping a note written in red pen.

Tommy snickers as he grabs out his phone sending a text to one of the only numbers on his vigilante phone.

Hey Jack can you come
To ****-**** quartets I have
A mugger or sex offender here.

Omg Thesus how could you
So much more paper work...

Tommy snickers seeing the text running up a fire escape to the roof nearby. He sits on the roof waiting to Mack sure the women gets back home safe.

He watches the police cars arrive, Jack with his iconic police color glasses, as he goes over to the knocked out women and the also knocked out offender. "Thesus gosh why are you so good at this. Police always have to take care of vigilante paperwork I swear." Jack sighs as he grabs the paper from the offenders head.

Hey Jack!

Okay I arrived after the girl was knocked out and I jumped off the roof and knocked out the main perp. Sooo done there now go do my awesome paper work.


"F#ck you Thesus, I need more coffee for this." Jack sighs as they secure the crime scene. Tommy giggles hopping away after Jack read his note, Not much more happened, after that the crime rate was going down since Tommy came anyway so it was expected. But still it was boring.

It was now midnight time to stop. Short patrol but he did have to get some sleep and even though the first day Tommy opened at 8 it doesn't mean he's always going to. So Tommy slowly made it home falling asleep as he hits the bed.
Mini Prolog

"Fu#k now I have to fill out a murder form what the fu#k Thesus, why did you have to break the guys neck!" Jack groans as he slouches in his chair.
Sorry if this seemed short I tried okay.
Also don't blame me this is my first book. Also to clear this up there are powers I just can't fit that in sorry! T-T
Also just saying I'm proud of my Jackmanafold police guy, yes I know it's meant to mean movies but still!

-Ezy : A/N

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