10, Daytime, 4:23

23 1 0


Tommy sits in the cafe yawning in boredom as the clock ticks, it had almost been an hour since the crow father left and he was sitting tired and bored. Suddenly the bell is heard and a girl with long black hair walks in her hair done up in a pony tail, her forehead covered by her bangs. Her outfit was a work out one in a magenta color her eyes different colors. Her left one brown and right an emerald green.

"Hey see this is new like how early it is, I'm Snowii by the way!" The girl says walking up to the counter. "Hey I'm Tommy I opened a few days ago." The teen says as he scans her body for threats. "Hey.. umm is there something under your bangs?" Tommy says noticing a slightly blue color under it. "Umm it's my amputation.. I'm a mind reader.." Snowii says looking away shyly. "Aren't those super rare do you have to have your eye open and it always dose it o" Tommy gets cut off by his rant by Snowii. "I only do it when my eyes open but when it's blocked it doesn't work like with my bangs. Honestly it's so hard to keep it shut it's like normal eyes to much concentrating, why I have bangs." Snowii rants trying to answer his questions. Tommy hums at that relizing something "Umm you should uh order." He awkwardly rubs his neck with his hand. "Oh uh yeah sorry!" Snowii says apologizing quickly. "Umm ill have some pink lemonade I'm not a coffee person." She says as she looks through the options.

As Tommy nods starting to prepare a meal Snowiis phone is heard. She immediately picks it up "Hey what happened??!!" Snowii seemed a bit frantic and annoyed and trying to stay calm. A alarming mumble of —-ar— blew u— t— -ab a—ain. Snowii sighs saying "I know Spark is smart but can she stop blowing things up. Her last invention took forever to fix up we were trapped for 4 years gosh!"

Tommy heard the conversation curious and confused. He finishes the order handing it to her saying "here and you good?" "Oh yeah it's fine just my future child n shit the world is weird I learned to accept it." Snowii reply's putting her phone away. Tommy stares for a moment and sighs mumbling "I'm so hallucinating." He sighs holding his nose. When he looks up Snowiis gone and moneys on the counter. "Yup hallucinating." Tommy says grabbing the money and putting it in the register.
Okay I was bored and this is an OC inset, I have a whole series planed out I'm excited anyway, hoped you liked it!

-Ezy : A/N

P.S. thanks for 100 reads! Love you all thanks for supporting! :>

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