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Tommy scrolls on his phone glancing to the top corner seeing 6:30. Tommy yawns mumbling "I'm so tired, gosh." Tommy continues to scroll until, he checks the time again, 7:00. Then suddenly he hears a chime.

Tommy looks up to see JOKER?!
Flashback 1 month ago

Tommy was running across roof tops, it had been a few days since he almost beat a syndicate leader, and had his senses on high alert.

He heard a crash in an ally nearby. He hoped down into the ally to see a man with a blue Bennie and a blue suit on. Once Tommy landed the man turned and Tommy saw.. a large gash from his top lip to past his eye that was bleeding hard.

Tommy ran over, mumbling "What happened?" The man past out from the blood loss, and fell into Tommy's arms. "OMG the fuck am I supposed to do?!?" Tommy wines as he slowly lowers the man down. Tommy breaths in saying "Thesus it's fine you will be fine you can heal." Tommy says to himself trying to stay calm.

Tommy slowly put both of his hands above the wound slowly breathing in as his hands glowed, as the man scar slowly healed. Tommy stoped holding his head cursing "owwww f#ck!" Tommy whined.

Then the man suddenly sat up grabbing his face. "The f#ck?!" The man says seeing no blood on his hand. The man turns to Tommy saying "Thesus?!" "Yeah? Man you were gonna die thank me for healing you." Tommy says a smirk in his voice.

"Well thanks I guess, call me Jocker its my street name." The man says brushing off his pants. "Wait Joker as in the guy famous for his high gambling stakes?!" Tommy says tilting his head. "Yup. That's me if you need help call me. That's the favor I give you for saving me kid." The Jocker says handing Tommy a card. "Hey I'm not a kid?!" Tommy responds pouting.

"Ugg now I can't see out of this eye well" The Jocker mumbles, ignoring Tommy as he touches the skin below his eye. "Well big man that's expected your lucky it can still see." Tommy says, interrupting Jokers thoughts .

"I guess we'll I have to go if you need a favor call me!"

Tommy calms him self down acting as if he didn't already know him "Hello big guy what would you like?" Joker looks over narrowing his eyes feeling like he knew the child but couldn't remember where. "I'll have a straight black coffee, and a brisket." Tommy nods mumbling "what crazy orders are these first Wilbur now him!?!" Tommy just gets everything ready, eventually handing it to Joker.

"Thanks kid gotta go see you around" Joker says as he walks off and faintly hears "I'm not a kid!" Joker then gets hit with a wave of deja vu.
Hey hopes you like quackity lore, I made all this up on the spot, gosh my brain is in over drive.

-Ezy : A/N

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