The snake and the Lion

266 14 7

Hogwarts au

"Hurry up, we're gonna be late for dinner!!" Lee Minho (also known as Lee Know) said as he rushed to put his books messily over his bed.

Hyunjin groaned, Minho always wanted to be early for everything. But especially for dinner, because then he would be able to see a specific Hufflepuff boy who always leaves dinner early.

"I bet you all my galleons that you want to see Jisung, again. Geez, hyung, what happened to the confident Lee Minho? Go talk to him if you like him that much." Hyunjin was getting a bit sick of being rushed up to dinner all the time.

Minho rolled his eyes, "Just shut up and hurry up before I set a boggart under your bed."

"I'm gonna take as long as I want, you go first." The younger Slytherin said as he, unlike Minho, neatly unpacked his Transfiguration book.

Minho nodded as he sped off towards the door. After Minho left, the only thought that crossed Hyunjin's mind was 'He's so in love.'

Even though Hyunjin acts like he doesn't care, he's genuinely happy for Minho who found someone he likes so much (even if Minho was too nervous to even speak to the guy). Hyunjin can't help but wonder if he was ever gonna experience something like that.

Sure, he was handsome and many girls and some boys fawn over him, but most of them liked him for his looks or popularity, not the real him. At first, he ignored them. But after a while, it became so annoying until Hyunjin would be walking around with a scowl to scare anyone who comes near.

Not much people like him because they think he's self-centered and narcissistic, but it's not like he cared.

At least he had some real friends. Minho, his roomate, Changbin, a sixth year Ravenclaw, Soobin and Taehyun, his other roommates, and Seungmin, a hufflepuff and a friend of Jisung, the boy whom Minho liked.

Hyunjin got out of his dorm and passed the Slytherin common room. When he reached the school halls, he decided to visit the school yard. It was usually really peaceful outdoors.

Hyunjin was about to go to the tree he usually sat under when suddenly his eyes caught someone sleeping under it.

The boy looked younger and he was wearing a scarf with Gryffindor's colors. The boy's face was etched with peacefulness and weariness at the same time. His innocent look tugging Hyunjin's heart strings as he made way towards the sleeping boy.

Gently, Hyunjin walked towards the boy until he accidentally stepped on a leaf and it crunched.

The sleeping boy jolted awake and out of panic, sent a stunning spell flying to Hyunjin.


Hyunjin stood there stunned, both physically and metaphorically. 'That boy really has amazing reflexes'.

It was quite dark, so cautiously, Jeongin approached the stranger, lighting up his wand.


With the light, Hyunjin could see the boy's face clearly. He had fox-like features and soft eyes despite wanting to seem tough.

Jeongin's eyes lit up in horror as he saw whom he stunned. Hwang Hyunjin, a sixth year Slytherin, who was not only one of Slytherin's best chaser, but also known for being attractive but cold and rude.

"A-ah, sunbaenim, I didn't see you t-there." Jeongin said as he said the counter spell.

'Shit, why didn't you be more careful, Jeongin! What's he gonna do with me now?'

When finally unfreezed, Hyunjin stood there looking at the boy in front of him who was still apologizing profusely and bowing 90°.


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