My Weird Kid

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Song-Ophelia<the lumineers


It's been 3 Months since Carlos had "officially" made me apart of his life and dang,

I couldn't have asked for more!

Currently me and my dads are curled up on the couch watching Jurassic World(I'm a big Dino nerd) Carlos has got his arms around Tk and im laying on Carlos' other side.

"Hey Mija? is Your dad asleep?" Carlos asks.

I lean over and see Tk sound asleep

"yep" I lean back and continue watching the show till I fall asleep.


Opal and Tk were both asleep on me For around 45 minutes when opal shot up waking Tk up before she vomited down the front of her shirt and onto the blanket,

I guess that made Tk go into paramedic mode, he jumped up and ran to get a bin for her to vomit in while I went to get a shower ready for her.

About 5 minutes later opal was in the shower while Tk and I went to clean up the coach and set up her room.

When we walked in I had realized how long it had been since I had been in her room cause Tk usually wakes her for school, her room looks so different

When we walked in I had realized how long it had been since I had been in her room cause Tk usually wakes her for school, her room looks so different

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And is that, A lesbian flag?

"Babe?" I call out to Tk

"ya what's up babe?" Tk asks me as he appears at the doorway

"Opal is a Lesbian?" Tk stares at me

"you didn't know?" Tk asks me.

"No, she never told me." I said while sitting down on her bed

"are you mad?" Came a small voice behind Tk,

Opal was there in dinosaur pyjamas and wet hair,

I stood up quickly and walked over to her, wrapping her in a big hug

"baby, why would you think I would be mad at you? Look who I'm dating, if you like women that's ok, we support you and we love you for you but I just wanna know why you didn't tell me." I looked into her big blue eyes, "

I was scared." Tears stung her eyes as she clung to me and started sobbing. My heart broke,

someone must've hurt her really bad for her to feel like that.

"Well pumpkin, let's get your sick self to bed huh?"

She nodded and slowly made her way over to her bed, i tucked her in while Tk placed a kiss on her forehead after I did.

"Good night, Mi Mundo."

That night, I vowed to myself to find whoever hurt my little girl and make them regret it.

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