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Song-family line<Conan Gray

3rd person POV

Carlos had woken opal up for school and they went out to get breakfast
"Bye Carlos I'll see you after school!" Opal yelled to Carlos "love you kid!" He yelled back as she ran over to her friends.

Carlos is cruising around when dispatch came through

"All units we have an active shooter situation at Austin High School"

that's when Carlos' life flashed before his eyes. "363-H-20 Responding" Carlos raced to the school, his heart pounding in his chest. When he arrived he put on his bullet proof vest and ran inside.





I couldn't think straight, over 1000 students in the school and Opal is one of them.

I went to the First class I know Opal has. She's not there.

Her second,


she wasn't there. I started to panic. Then




Gunshots rang through the halls kids run out of A classroom, I recognize them. "CARLOS! OPAL'S BEEN SHOT!" I stopped breathing.

"Get out of the school and stay low." I mange to get out.

So classroom 226. That's where my kid is, bleeding out on the floor.

I don't even hesitate to storm the class and gun bang the shooter who happens to be a teenaged boy. So he passed out instantly. I cuffed him and alerted dispatch that I got the shooter down.

I was about to go search the other classrooms for opal since I couldn't find her in here when I heard a small whimper from the Corner, I ran over and saw Opal bleeding out. 2 gunshot wounds on her chest. I scooped her up in my arms and ran out of the school with opal in my arms her blood getting all over my uniform.

I got out of the school and the paramedics took her as soon as they took her I broke down in TK's arms he held me close until Nancy yelled to us

"TK we got to go! Carlos you riding with us?"TK pulled me up and held my hand and we ran to the ambulance

I sat down and held her hand she was looking around a lot "baby I'm here" she looked over to me "d-daddy?" She started to close her eyes "ya baby daddy's here, I've got you ok? Daddy's got you but you need to stay awake." Tk started sobbing while trying to get the morphine ready. Opal turned her head to look at Tk then back to me "daddy, why is Dad crying?" Tk looked up and started crying harder "I'm just sad that your hurt sweetheart." Tk Said with a cracking voice.

She looked confused. She sat up as much as she could to the best of her abilities and saw blood, at that her heart rate started dropping and she passed out. "OPAL! OPAL WAKE UP PLEASE!" I cried, I can't lose her.

We got to the hospital and they rushed her inside, at that point everything had become a blur

14 year old female
2 gunshot wounds to the abdomen
Became unresponsive en rout-

I fell on the floor sobbing. I can't do this, as they rush her away I feel my boyfriends arms wrap around me, he's sobbing into my shoulder.

12 hours later
Opal was out of surgery and they had moved her to her own room. Currently I'm waiting for them to let me see her

A doctor came out

"Family of Ophelia Redda?"

Tk and I stood up

"How are you related to the patient?" The doctor asked us

"We're her dads." Tk and I said at the same time. "Ok right this way" the doctor started leading us to her room.


when Carlos and Tk got to the room Carlos ran towards the teen "baby it's daddy, I'm here."

Tk couldn't move, he's always wanted kids and now the closest thing that he has to a kid is in a hospital bed, in a medically induced coma.

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