Chapter 2

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So here is the next chapter guys!
Hope you'll enjoy reading...

Author's POV:-:

(In Jaipur,India)

In a huge lavish black cabin two employees were standing with there head hung low knowing their mistake.

And a men in his late 20s was sitting on the head chair rolling his fingers on the paper weight.
His face was calm but everyone was having the idea of destructive Strom behind it.

He's none other than RUDRANSH SINGH RAJVANSH!!

MY TABLE BY TOMORROW MORNING!!"Rudransh roared at two of his Employees,who were already trembling in his fear.

"Am I clear?"

"Y...yes sir!!"one of them said trying not to shutter as rudransh don't like people shuttering.

"Good!! now leave!!"rudransh ordered and they both instantly flew away from his cabin.

He rested his head on headrest of the chair and massaging his temple inorder to control his raising temper.

"Piece of shits can't even complete their work properly!!"he grumped under his breath.

Just when he heard a knock.

"Come in!!"he ordered sitting straight.

The door opened and garvit(his cousin younger brother) entered his cabin.

"Bhai sa, dadi sa wants your presence at palace before dinner today!!"Garvit said still standing.

"Hmm you go I'm coming!!"rudransh said.

Obviously,no one can ignore Devika's words not even Rudransh.
She is a dominating lady.Everyone respects her not only rajvansh family but the whole state because she's the one who handled everything after the death of her husband.

Garvit nodded and moved out from the room.

Barely 10 minutes passed when the door of his cabin flew open and his two bffs entered the room.

Ishaan Shekhawat and Yuvaan Singh Rathore

"Don't you guys know how to knock?"Rudransh asked glaring both of them as they settled on couches in his cabin.

"Shut up!!"Yuvaan snapped making him glare even more.

"Fuckers!!"he mumbled under his breath.

He closed the file,which he was reading with a loud thud and asked"Why are you guys here?"

Listening this both smirked and
Ishaan said"Nothing special!!Just thought to have a conversation with our bestfriend!!"

"Then bark!what are you waiting for?"Rudransh said getting irritated.

"Do you also got the invitation for the collaboration of Chauhans with khurrana's which is tomorrow?"Ishaan asked Rudransh in a serious tone.

"Yaah I do!"come his reply.

"Don't you think there is something else other than a simple meeting otherwise why Riddhaan will invite 25 freaking businessmens that too of leading companies?"This time yuvaan asked.


Well there's a point because no way Riddhaan is going to invite these many businessmens for a single freaking collaboration which is not really important.

Hope its something good!!

"Jiju is planning something!!"Ishaan said looking at me with corner of his eyes.
This fucker loves to get on my nerves.
He's calling him jiju just to irritate me.
I'm not really happy with this alliance of Riddhaan (who is my business rival) with my younger sister Agnika.

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